Monday, November 16, 2009

Possible Skin Yeast Infection?

I had my neice over f/t w'end and we had went swimming. I noticed at the pool she's got some kind of skin issue. Under her arms it's really dark and there's little bump(like a rash). She's only 10 and doesn't shave. So, what could it be? I did a little research and it looks like it could be a skin yeast infection. Could this be it?

She's mixed and very light-skinned. It's a dark brown under arms with tiny bumps(not red, almost looks like hair-bumps) here and there.

Possible Skin Yeast Infection?
At 10 it very well could be hair getting ready to grow- she's at that age. Is she beginning to develop in other areas? Clogged pores around her nose or a little "shaping" going on? Is it only in the small area where hair would grow, or is it in a larger patch? Is it itchy? I think if it was yeast-related it would not be dark- it would be skin-colored with small raised bumps. Her mom could certainly talk to her pediatrician or a dermatologist to be on the safe side, but I'm betting she's just growing up.
Reply:take her to a dermatologist
Reply:It could very well be that she is maturing.

But to be on the safe side, I would take her to the dermatologist. It wont hurt anything to be sure.

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