Monday, November 16, 2009

Dry Skin infection?

I have dry skin on my hands - usually at its worse it will crack and bleed in the corners of my finger nails. This year it has been strange - no cracks on my fingers but right below and on the sides I have been cracking and bleeding. At times it is like fire to itch and has been showing tiny little clear-fluid bumps. It seems after these tiny bumps are there for a while (itches bad) they ooze clear fluid and scab over. They are very very small. Its leaving little patches of dry thick skin. The bumps seem to be spreading to other areas on my fingers but slowly. the bumps seem to be at their worse by the cracked lesions. What kind of infection would this be?

Dry Skin infection?
Welcome to my world! mine only comes a few months out of the year, thankfully, and each crop appears in a different location. It's contact dermatitis, or eczema, and there's not a whole lot you can do. I've had success with gold bond cream improving the itch, but the rash remains. My sister, however, swears by an alpha hydroxy type lotion to prevent and heal, but when I use that it burns like acid!

Keep your skin hydrated, using eucerin or aquaphor or another really rich hand cream that doesn't irritate you. It's not an infection, it's a histamine reaction--like an allergy--so you may get relief from a prescription--some have. Visit your doc if its unbearable.
Reply:First of all if you have have a doctor it is best to schedule an appointment to see him or her. Unfortunately, I cannot see the description of the rash so it is best to see a doctor to determine if it is an infection or just dry skin, normally none as eczema. In the meantime you can apply aquafor healing onitment, you can buy it at any drug store. but make sure you see your doctor.
Reply:Anti aging dry oily skin care product! top wrinkle creams

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