Friday, November 20, 2009

Unknown skin/ possibly systemic infection- no diagnosis- medical professionals could give me ideas?

My husband, son (8), and I all have skin problems- abcesses cellulitis and severe acne. Son has just had one abcess, but hubby and I have had many recurrent abcesses and cellulitis. I think it is related to some kind of dental infection. All of us keep getting cavities. I have had to have many teeth extracted. It gets better with antibiotics like clindamycin, and after extractions, but always comes back. It starts near the neck and jawline for me, spreads from there, and I feel pockets of fluid under the tissues in my neck that seem to shift to another location where I have sores when I apply any pressure to the pockets, and my skin starts to feel mushy like a rotten tomato. When it gets bad I also have fast heart palps- and twice they heard a murmur during a 'bad' time that was not present later. Is it possible for this to all be connected to a pathogen?

This has been going on for a couple years first husb. and I, and now my son too. Low income clinic- never see same doc twice.

Unknown skin/ possibly systemic infection- no diagnosis- medical professionals could give me ideas?
Hi there. I have a pretty rudimentary knowledge of these things, but there's what I think:

- It sounds like you've seen the Wiki article on tooth abcesses already. I'd ignore the paragraph about cashews that's there now since that seems to be thrown in as some unproven advertising.

- I would connect the abcesses and cellulitis together....that would usually be caused by a bacterial agent. If clindamycin/another broad sprectrum antibiotic has helped you and your family members at least temporarily, I'd suggest trying to take it over a course of months/a year or so if you can get a prescription. Sometimes these drugs need to be taken over that long of a time span to improve the situation/clear it up for good (I was on tetracycline/doxycycline for about a year for severe acne before it cleared up, along w/ other skin treatments).

- The heart palps might be caused by a bacterial/viral agent if it's gotten into your blood, which would be indicative of a systemic infection. It may or may not be the same bacterial agent that's causing your famiy's dental problems. You might see about getting samples taken from you and your family members to see if a common agent can be isolated from both the dental tissue and bloodwork.

- Just in general, since your family has been having the same dental problems (how long has this been going on?), it might be related to your family's diet. Obviously some diets promote the buildup of biofilms on your teeth more than others, and doing stuff like not brushing your teeth/not flossing regularly/not getting your teeth cleaned will aid in calculus formation and all that gross stuff. The bacteria that's causing your abcesses might be a normal oral bacteria like a Streptococcus or a Staphylococcus that's become an opportunistic pathogen, though it could also be a pathogen that you've all acquired through preparing certain foods in a certain setting, possibly through could be a lot of things.

So I would say you should write down your and your family's history of these problems to show it's been recurring over a certain timespan, and present this to a doctor who'll listen and try to develop a long-term treatment plan for your family until the problems clear up. You should all probably continue to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, as long as your doctor agrees, to see if that will clear the infection (and possibly the acne too). I would see if you can get bloodwork done to see if there's anything unusual there that might be behind the heart palpitations, if you haven't already done so. I hope this has helped.
Reply:Because you are all suffering from what seems to be the same ailment or ailments, it's likely (but not guaranteed) to be a pathogen related to your surroundings.

You all need full-spectrum blood tests to rule this in or out.

It could be that you are all unlucky enough to need root-canal work at the same time, but this is not likely.

If the blood tests don't find the cause for your chronic-conditions, ask your doctor to refer you to a diagnostician, who will be more likely to identify what you're suffering from than an over-worked clinic-doctor.

A test on your hair could also reveal an underlying cause.

You could also ask your local provider to test your water supply;

It could be caused by something you are all regularly exposed to, in your enviroment; your home or workplace, or something you all consume; water, food etc.

Good luck.


based on your update:

It might be worthwhile asking your doctor to test you for high uric-acid levels (hyperuricemia).
Reply:You have seen a MD on several different occasions at the same clinic. And even though they are different doctors each time they should still all consult your chart, and so would know what the other doctors have done concerning your treatment and whatever conclusions they may have come to. I am assuming that blood tests have been taken but no pathogens were found.

The fact that you are all experiencing this "long term" makes me wonder if the cause might be environmental. My first steps would be to have a sample of your tap water tested for contamination. If you are hooked to a city water system they will do it for free. If you have a well or spring you can contact a local university or college and they may also test it for free. Also Look for any discolorations in your walls and ceiling tiles that might signify a mold infestation inside the walls or in the attic. Other things to look at are allergic reactions to household cleaners, detergents and other products.

If that fails, just to rule out an environmental cause you should move out of your home for a few weeks to see if the condition gets better.
Reply:My daughter had a skin infection not as severe as yours and not with anywhere near the number of symtoms. We took her to the Doctor who did not prescribe anything as it was to vague for him to do much at all. Very frustrating. What I did was take her home, run a nice hot bath ,filled it with a kg of salt and we soaked her in it every night for an hour. Nothing much will live with salt,not even bugs on/under the skin. After a month it all cleared up and the Doctor was very surprised. Simple but very effective. Just needs to be done over a long period.

Last year my 3yr old cat got a skin infection,scabby,bloody areas same time off yr bck again whys this ?

Hi there, I have a four year old cat with just the same problem. I have read some of your answers already, and they seem to say what I was. However, I have found that a good household flea spray to use on your carpets and cat bedding, and it's favourite chair does help. I always spray just after my cat has gone out, so hopefully it does not smell anything when it returns. As awful as it sounds, fleas do get into carpets, and unless these are dealt with, no amount of treatment for your cat will work. Fleas can remain dormant for up to six months, or so I have been told, so carpets should be one of your lines of defence.

Last year my 3yr old cat got a skin infection,scabby,bloody areas same time off yr bck again whys this ?
has it been de-flead?

could be a common flea allergy

one of mine gets really bad if he has one flea on him

if you think its a pain gettin frontline i have found a website on the net who sells em real cheap
Reply:my cat has same thing allergys take her to vet
Reply:could be a reaction to fleas....they are bad again this year, and some cats/dogs loose their fur, have skin infections, scratch themselves raw. you may want to take your cat to the vet to get a shot to calm down the itching and maybe some frontline, if you don't already have him/her on it. thankfully flea season is almost over.
Reply:It could have something to do with the weather or some kind of allergy to something that comes out in this certain w\time of year. You should take it to the vet, anyway.
Reply:It's dermatitis caused by fleas. My cat has suffered the same. You have to keep on top of the fleas to prevent it.
Reply:flea allergy
Reply:It might be fleas, but since you said its back around the same time it may be an allergy. Take the cat to the vet so that they can diagnose it and prescribe the proper medication.
Reply:Do you have very grassy areas near you. Every summer my cats get Harvest Mite infestations, these go where the fur is thinest so around the mouth, ears, nipples, between the toes and in the ears. They irritate the cat, so the cat scratches and they turn into bloody scabs, they can get infected as well.

You can usually tell if it is harvest mites, especially in the ears, because it will look like a clump of little orange dots.

It is easy to treat with flea treatments that contain fipronil, so Frontline or something. But if you use the frontline spot on, you have to make sure that some of the liquid actually touches the harvest mites so instead of putting it all on the back of the neck drip some on the infested areas and then put the rest on the back of the neck.

Hope this helps!
Reply:you might want to ask your vet
Reply:It is flea season. Check your cat for fleas by combing him with a flea comb. Then dunk the comb in soapy water to kill the fleas. If you come up with a ton of fleas and bloody-looking water, you need Frontline. It's very cheap online, and totally worth it.

Fleas can often make it look like your cat has a skin condition, when really they are just eaten up with parasites.
Reply:what does your vet say ?
Reply:sounds to me like a flea infection, my black cat has the same on his back, get your cat Frontline from the vet, its a bit pricy at £14. they will probably give you some cream. Best of luck
Reply:I assume you took your cat to the vet the last time this happened??Well, take him to the vet this time---vets know how to help animals who are suffering, and yours certainly is. He needs professional help, and needs it like NOW.
Reply:My first guess is its a flea allergy. Get some Advantage from your vet and deflea your kitty, he will thank you for it.

What's the best way to get a skin infection that will not heal without antibiotics?

HIV.....I'm serious. But of course, that will lead to other complications. May I ask what your timeframe is for contracting this skin infection? HIV takes a while to show any skin symptoms.

What's the best way to get a skin infection that will not heal without antibiotics?
Why do you want one?

inch plant

Is it possible for a toddler to get skin infection due to the use of certain baby products.?

my toddler seems to be allergic to baby products made by SPARSH company.[sparsh baby oil,baby soap].she is getting red rashes all over her body.also a lot of anyone else experiencing the same with her child.if yes pls tell me some remedies.

Is it possible for a toddler to get skin infection due to the use of certain baby products.?
I think you are confusing infection and allergy. An infection is caused by bacteria, fungus, or virus. An allergy can turn into an infection. if your child has an allergy simply stop using those products and switch to an anti-allergenic type products. Eucerin and Cetaphil worked best on my allergic baby (lots of years ago). We also used those products in the NICU on fragile premies.
Reply:Buy Skin Care General Health Products for Men's %26amp; Women's from top rated Health %26amp; Beauty Supplies stores. Compare prices %26amp; shop online.
Reply:Yes. Also be careful of dirty carpets.
Reply:ofcorz, if u have read few articles abiout the same, few companies selling chem free baby products were fooling people arround, the infants had allergies-reactions, etc, buying a reputed 1 can partiallly solve the prob
Reply:it depends on your skin and the quality of the product
Reply:It does sound like your baby is allergic to these products. Read the labels, and try to find things that are as free of preservatives, perfumes, and dyes as possible.

Good luck!
Reply:i have not heard of this company.go for international products from Hindustan lever or Johnson %26amp; johnson or any famous one

What pills or food to take if have skin infection/boil?

only small not major

What pills or food to take if have skin infection/boil?
Ginger is excellent for cleansing the blood. Have it in hot water with some honey.
Reply:I cant help, but I would be interested in any answers you get.
Reply:an infection (boil) is a puss filled pocket on your skin. You need to put a hot ( as hot as you can stand) wet wash cloth on it. It will come to a head and pop. The infection should then come out and you can use neosporin or something like that and camphor(liquid or gel) will dry it out and it is also an anesthetic so it i will numb it!
Reply:I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.

Here is a link :

If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.

Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.

There is some support groups at MSN


and yahoo, and I am open for questions!

I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.
Reply:It'll take a long time to go away on its own, if at all. There isn't really anything you can eat or self-prescribe that will significantly improve it. The best thing is to see your GP and they'll probably give you some antibiotics.

In the meantime, DON'T squeeze it.

What's the best way to get a skin infection that will not heal without antibiotics?

Since antibiotics are often specific to the type of bacteria that they kill, the best thing to do is get treated for the REAL problem that you're having. The antibiotic you are prescribed for an infection of your skin will be different than the one you would get for the infection that you are trying to avoid seeking help for. In fact, you may even make things dramatically worse by taking the wrong drug, which is why physicians often change your medication when they receive the results of a C%26amp;S (culture and sensitivity) test, which tells them exactly what you have.

The bottom line- hack yourself up and roll around in the dirt if you like, but at the end of the day you will still need to be examined for that STI or UTI I'm afraid.

What's the best way to get a skin infection that will not heal without antibiotics?
Why would you want to get a skin infection in the first place ?
Reply:Expose yourself to a staph infection. Once you get it in your skin it is nearly impossible to clear up.

Is there any herbal or DIY remedy for skin infection???

depends on what it is, but tea tree oil is a nautral antiseptic that also helps with fungus problems (some skin infections are actually a fungus like atheletes foot or thrush in the mouth) and there is another product but I will have to check back later when I have the name.

Of course this should be diagnosed properly by a professional before self medicating with any alternative treatments-just to make sure you know what you're really dealing with.


I am taking strong antibiotics for a cellulitis skin infection?

What can I do to ensure that they have the best chance of working - eg - are there any foods that I should eat or avoid eating to boost my immune system (uk). Any useful suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks.

I am taking strong antibiotics for a cellulitis skin infection?
I had cellulitis in my hand. It was my understanding that it was an infection of the fatty tissue under the skin. If it is localised like mine was I would suggest making sure you keep the affected area clean, get plenty of rest, take multivitamins or eat plenty of fresh fruit %26amp; veg %26amp; let your body do the rest.
Reply:Check with your doctors you don't have an underlying condition. I had recurring cellulitis in my groin and they discovered that I have Sarcoidosis which has affected other organs including lungs and spleen. The treatment is the opposite to immune boosting as it is an auto immune disease that needs steroids to suppress it so if you had other such problems they may become worse if you activate your immunity.
Reply:Mangosteen is a natural fruit that contains XANTHONES. Xanthones are extremely beneficial to the immune systems' protection.

The immune system is almost completely microscopic with thousands of different classes and billions of components.

Inflammation occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat or any other cause

Swelling helps isolate the foreign substance from further contact with body tissues.

The immune system's enzymes and anti-inflammatory chemicals are potent enough to destroy foreign invaders and even bone.

Mangosteen has acid-lowering effects, anti-oxident effects, and NO major side effects.

Drugs are dangerous and foods as supplements, are not.

Has anybody's cat ever had a skin infection?

Not personally, but I've known a few cats that I deal with on a weekly basis that have had skin infections.

The most prominent one I know of is the infection due to allergies. She had it all over her face because she was scratching so much. Bacteria got into the open sores and caused an infection.

Some things you can look for is redness, irritation, the area on or around the infection can be hot or warm, oozing puss, weeping.

Infections can get dangerous and they can spread rapidly. So a trip to the vet is often needed. They will give you either an oral pill to give the cat or a ointment that needs to be put on the infection 1 - 2 times daily.

But if you are seeing red circles, usually around their face, paws, tail and it's scaly and they're itching at it constantly.. You should get cultures taken. Chances are, you might have a case of ringworm on your hands.

Has anybody's cat ever had a skin infection?
Be more specific, there are lots of things that might go wrong with a cat's skin. Fleas are the most common problem - the scratching can result in infection. Also, bacterial, fungal, parasitic infection or what? Have you been to a vet about this?

If you suspect there's something wrong with your cat's skin, go to a vet to find out what.

Reply:YES. My new kitten got ringworm, which was a huge pain in the **** and I felt so bad for her having to be quarantined in a room by herself for a month, but with plenty of meds and TLC she is now a new member of the rest of the household and hopefully ringworm free!

Ringworm is one of the most common skin infections in cats. Kittens are esp susceptible b/c their immune system is not as good as an adults yet. Fungi are everywhere in the environment, including in homes, and most of the time you are able to naturally stay immune to it unless you have an open wound or have a weakened immune system (children, elderly, on chemo, etc.).

Don't know if you're asking b/c your cat has something or not. If your cat has ringworm the fur falls off in the infected location and the skin looks scaly, with the red ring being the actual current infected area, and the scales inside being the healing skin. It may only be one spot (like above an eye) or multiple locations (eye, tail, etc.). It needs medical attention, especially if it is a kitten or longhaired cat. I did oral med and it cleared in 2 wks, with an extra 2 weeks until the med was finished, one month total. It was liquid b/c she was tiny. 1ml 2x a day for a month. Hopefully she is done with this and isn't a carrier now or anything b/c she has been all over my other cat now (and us)!

Raw Skin, Deep Wound, Infection?

I sanded off a small chunk of skin (diy tattoo removal) last night.

Now my skin is raw and red all around the area the ink used to be, and right where the ink was once the skin is white and has pus.

What should I apply to kill infection and help it heal? Topical creams are best, but I'll listen to any suggestions.

Raw Skin, Deep Wound, Infection?
If it's that deep, you probably shouldn't be putting topical stuff in it. You made need an oral antibiotic.

If you can, get it evaluated at a clinic or ER. It sounds pretty nasty and you don't want to get a blood infection or worse.

Good luck!
Reply:peroxide is the best to clean it than put triple anti biotic on it .if it doesnt heal you better call a dr.asap. theyll put you on a anti biotic.
Reply:my oh my. go to the local drugstore and get yourself some triple antibiotic ointment. wash the area gently but well with a gental soap and water. slather the area with the ointment and then cover it up with a sterile gauze dressing. you need to change the dressing when they get soaked. if the infection gets worse like if the redness starts to spread up your arm or if the pain gets much worse, then go to the emergency room. you may need an oral antibiotic. oh, and don't sand off any more skin.

Misa is short for some kind of skin infection. can some one tell me what it is?

i think you mean MRSA wich is for methacillin resistant staph aureus. it's a bacteria that is very hard to kill with standard antibiotics. Staph aurues is found all over the place though--and most strains can be killed by standard antibiotics.

snow flower

Any doctor here?I had a bacterial skin infection. Took antibiotic but after a week it came back.?

I cannot contact my doctor cauz I am far away from home. What should I do? Is there anythign you know I can take? Or herbs or anything?

Any doctor here?I had a bacterial skin infection. Took antibiotic but after a week it came back.?
You should call your doctor's office and see if they will call something to a pharmacy where you are. Get the number of a pharmacy first so you can give it to the doctor's office. Most doctor's offices will do it if you explain the situation, but call before they close!

You could also see if there is an "urgent care" somewhere around. They accept most insurances.

As a doctor I wouldnt recommend any herbal treatments to treat a skin infection.

What can one use to cure skin infection on the leg, that appears like chicken leg?

The black spots appear where the hair is supposed to grow out on the leg. it is sometimes itchy and sometimes painful if you attempt to remove it.

What can one use to cure skin infection on the leg, that appears like chicken leg?
the old in growing hair that infects the surrounding area you will need to go to the doctors for this one as it will take ages to clear up if left untreated
Reply:Best see your GP. Don't try to solve this one yourself.
Reply:sounds like ingrown hairs to me.
Reply:Pi55 on it.
Reply:I think you need to see a doctor before to start trying to remove whatever it is...;
Reply:I agree with weizy, it sounds like ingrowing hairs. This can be caused by all sorts of things and is common.

To sort it out, buy a body scrubber, one of those things that looks like a lot of fruit nets joined together and a liquid body scrub/exfoliant.

At least three times a week, have a hot bath or shower. stay in the heat for at least 10 minutes. Put the exfoliant on to the body scrubber, and scrub your skin hard. This removes the dead layer of skin that is blocking the pores and allows the hair to grow naturally.

If they are infected as some other respondees suggest, you will have a red, hot area around the spot. If this area is greater than 6mm, you probably need to see the doctor for some anti-biotics.

All the best

Should Monistat 7 get rid a skin infection?

2 days ago I noticed a itchy rash under my boobs and one armpit. It's very uncomfortable and it burns when I itch it. How did I get this when I don't even get them where they're mostly common at?

I bought the medicine today and I took a shower, I dried off and applied it. Should this help? Or should I try something else? Any suggestions? If it doesn't look like its going away in a few days I will go to the doctor!

Should Monistat 7 get rid a skin infection?
Yes, it is a yeast infection...and yes they will show up in weird places! Monistat is what you want to use..however you can purchase the generic brand at walmart, dollar store, etc....called...miconazole... it comes in a small tube and costs about $3.00...usually if antibotic cream doesn't work on a rash or spot, this will!'ll help...just try to keep it dry

My dog has a really bad skin infection is it safe to use human antibiotics?

Any med that is given to you from the vet, is the same formula as those given as human medicines of the same name and dosage. There is no difference other than packaging.

My dog has a really bad skin infection is it safe to use human antibiotics?
NO. do not give your dog antibiotics of any sort, not only may the antibiotic not work it may be harmful to your dog. some types of human meds can be toxic to dogs. you need to see your vet and get an antibiotic from them. if you give your dog an antibiotic that's not needed your dog may develop a resistance to that particular type of med. please go to your vet.

the vet should have given you a full course of antibiotics. finish that course and if the symtoms are still there or reoccur then contact your vet. another type of antibiotic may be needed then. plus the human amount in your pills may be more than what your pet needs, and you could overmedicate the dog.
Reply:Your dog needs to see a veterinarian who can better tell you if the dog can use the human antibiotics for that particular infection, or not.

Many human drugs can kill dogs quickly.

Please, just take it to a vet.
Reply:No of course its not. You need to get the dog to the vets asap.
Reply:NO, it is not safe to give human antibiotics to your dog. A LOT of antibiotics are toxic to the kidneys, and a human dose could kill your dog. Take your dog to the vet to get a prescription for them; until you can get the dog in to see the doc, try oatmeal baths (there are dog shampoos you can get just about anywhere with oatmeal in them, and you CAN use human body wash, like Aveeno, for that) to help soothe the irritation.
Reply:Take the dog to the vet. First the human drugs may be harmful, secondly, you don't know what is causing the skin problem. If the dog has mange (caused by mites), all the antibiotics in the world won't cure it.
Reply:get your dog to the vet if cost is an issue look up PDSA
Reply:You should have it checked by a vet. One of my new pups just started having problems. I took him in today and it's mange. They said he may gotten it from his mother. There are two type of mange, one is contagious and one is not.

However I think they both can be deadly if not treated. The medicine was about $40.00.
Reply:Many antibiotics used for animals are the same as those used in human medicine, but as many have said, unless you have the knowledge as to which antibiotics are safe for a particular species and if so, what is the correct dosage, you should not take it upon yourself to treat a condition which has not been properly diagnosed. IF antibiotics are indicated, too often people do not give the proper antibiotic for an adequate length of time and that does set up for resistance in the bacteria. As someone else said....what you call a "skin infection" could be many things, a bacterial infection, either type of mange, a fungal infection, a hormonal condition or any of a number of other conditions. You need to know what you are treating. You can always call your veterinarian and ask them if something that you have is ok to use in your dog, but they will most likely have you come in unless they know that you know what the condition is.
Reply:NO. Go to your vet. for advice.
Reply:antibiotics for humans are different, never give a pet human medicine without talking to your vet!

Would you give let your child use a dog shampoo, no thought of much. I no you said you were just asking, but 9 out of 10 questions are on here because you wanted to try them, just waiting for a couple of people saying yes!!

If they aren't working go back to your vets.
Reply:What a stupid question!
Reply:my staffie used to suffer with dermatitis. i spent thousands on injections, pills etc.

i bought herbal liquids from the above website, my dog has not been back to the vets in 2 years. the result is a much happier dog.

mail me if you need more info.


Reply:no, not safe at all. Get them from the vet who will need to keep up with her condition .
Reply:You should never ever use human antibiotics on a dog! You could make him more sick or worst case scenario, he could die. Try going to a vet and find out what dog medicine he needs.
Reply:Try Manuka honey, it has amazing properties and will help immensly if not cure it. Get the 20+ strength for this and rub it over the affected area. Read up on the internet about it first. it is an amazing natural remedy.

Reply:personally i would not take the risk , ask the vet for advice
Reply:Yes the clinda mycin is the same only its more expensive from the vets, You must not give your dog anything your vet has not prescribed. It maybe the same but the length of time they are allowed to take it may be restrictrd good luck.
Reply:well i don't really see why not, but i would get advise first, if your not working and claiming, go to p.d.s.a. they are free, just a donation, they do injection , chip dogs,etc. they never did before but do now vet bills are getting out of hand. but our dogs and cats are part of our family, and need to be looked after, they can't talk and let us know there in pain, they need us...we need them. good luck i hope she gets well soon. coral
Reply:my sister used tea tree oil on her cat's skin infection and it WORKED!!


Can a absest tooth cause a skin infection?

Yes, a tooth abcess can drain thru the outside of the face and if this is the case you should seek treatment since the abcess would be quite advanced. Good luck!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist

Can a absest tooth cause a skin infection?
No it doesn't cause skin infection, but if you have an abses you have to get rid of it right a way, because it can lead to a death.
Reply:Yes an abcessed tooth can cause a skin infection. Sometimes when the infected tooth drains it can drain extraorally (outside of your mouth). You need to see your dentist right away because if the infection is draining in this way it is probably a large infection. There is a risk that the infection can invade areas of the neck which can restrict your breathing. Not to scare you but seek treatment now!

Is this allergic reaction or possible skin infection?

This is regarding my pitbull mix. For the last few days, her hair has been shedding like crazy.. I have also noticed these (click link for pics) scabs and pink spots especially around hind legs and neck area. She has always been allergic to almost anything (grass, treats, her bed etc etc) and have broken out in hives before. However this time, there are no hives, just tremondous amount of hair shedding and those pink spots I have mentioned. She is eating regularly (recently switched to timberwolf ocean blue formula due to her allergies), energy is normal and does not seem to be in any pain. I will be taking her to a vet in couple of days but can any of you shed any light on this? I am also wondering do pitbulls shed hair during changing of seasons? I'm afraid she is gonna have no hair left at this rate! Could this be a mange of some kind? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Is this allergic reaction or possible skin infection?
I have a westie with skin allergies. He gets these pink scabbie bumps as well. They are grass allergies. Be careful they can become infected...mine got a staph infection. The vet can give your doctor a steroid shot for the allergies. You can also give your dog benedryl.

If an infection occurs these spots will become puss filled. You would need to get antiobiotics from the vet.
Reply:That looks like a staph infection, secondary to allergies. Is she itchy? Your vet will probably get her on antibiotics. Antibacterial shampoos can be soothing and helpful as well. Pitbulls or any breed can be affected. The hair is falling out so fast because the follicle is inflammed and damaged...the hair will regrow once the infection and inflammation are controlled. Is she young? You might talk to your vet about allergy testing and desensitization injections. Fatty acid supplements, such as Omega 3 and 6 Fish Oil capsules can be extremely beneficial to these dogs!
Reply:Doesn't look like mange to me. Dogs sometimes get this cranky dermatitis of 'unknown etiology' meaning they got no idea what causes it. Especially when there are allergies involved. The treatment will probably be prescribed steroids (no big deal), and these things clear up after a while.

Can uncontrolled diabetes "cause" molluscum skin infection?

No, the infection is caused by a microorganism. The problem that long term diabetics face is loss of vascular integrity, they just don't have good blood circulation. It is the lack of blood flow that is the cause of most of the problems that diabetics face, including infection.

I have some kind of skin infection im my whole doctor asked me not 2 wear any cloths for 6 months.?

i have lots of things 2 do outside.

my all relatives r ristricted by the doctor to meet me.

if have 2 go out side, shall i go naked.

doctor said "if u'll have to get free from disese, den dont wear any cloths on ur body 4 six months.

plz tell me wut 2 do

I have some kind of skin infection im my whole doctor asked me not 2 wear any cloths for 6 months.?
I would what to know more about that infection.

I would also want to know more about that physician.
Reply:move to a nudist coloy.
Reply:He means nothing artificial you can always wear 100%cotton which nobody is allergic to, of course you need to keep your body clean at all time
Reply:WHAT??? your kidding right..he said dont wear any clothes? I am no Dr but I think you need a second oppinion. on the brighter side you could always come to Ontario Canada and be topless. its totally legal...for real
Reply:Sounds like you'll have to go out and do your work anyway, where do you live? I'm sure some of these guys in here would love to watch...........J/K, dont do that.
Reply:Brother--this sounds made up!
Reply:I would get a second opinion. What kind of detergent are you using to wash your clothes? Use one that is free of dye and perfume like Dreft.

spider lily

Lumps appearing at random under skin... infection?

I have 3 lumps on my inner right leg about 4 inches down, 1 on the back of my left leg at my ankle, and maybe 1 coming in on my stomach, and they all itch, what is it?

Lumps appearing at random under skin... infection?
Reply:That's an allergy. I suggest you keep a journal for the next 7 to 21 days, until you can see your physician. Also, taking an OTC antihistamine like Claritin will help you. Drink plenty of fluids.
Reply:get an hiv test
Reply:Is it an allergy to some food you're eating? I'd suggest you go see a doctor and get yourself tested for allergies.

good luck!
Reply:You say you have 3 on your inner right leg and you might have one on your sounds to me as if you have gout they are more or less boils and they do itch like not scratch them because if you do they will bleed. and you will get an infection go to the doctors to get medical might just need antibiotic cream to rub on them.... hope everything turns out fine for you.
Reply:You might want to get checked for Tuberculosis. That's what it sounds like you may have. Go to your family physician and request a TB test. You'll find out the results 3 days after the test.
Reply:go to a doctor immediately. because it can be cancer if it is not paining
Reply:u have acne,.........ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

Has anybody ever got a skin infection from a tanning bed?

Listen up baby! I am an owner of a tanning salon. There are so many differnt skin infections that you can get from the tanning bed if they are not cleaned properly.THE TANNING BULBS DO NOT KILL THE BACTERIA THAT HUMAN BEINGS SWEAT LEAVES BEHIND. Tanning bed needs to cleaned properly (not just that spray bottle and rag that most places do. They need disinfectint spray that kills VIRUS AND BACTERIA. You can get rashes,or worse bacterial infections like Staff or Scavies(skin lice) especially if you have any cuts anywhere even tiny ones from shaving.To prevent this and be able to tan safely make sure you go to tanning salon that has agood reputation and has frquent inspections from the board of health. I never would let any of my clients tan in adirty bed. I make sure all my staff clean each bed the right way after every person is done tanning. To me the health of everybody (including myself beacuse I tan too) is the most important thing.

Has anybody ever got a skin infection from a tanning bed?
Reply:my girl goes all the time never heard of it
Reply:My friend did.
Reply:The likeliness is virtually impossible if the tanning bed in question is fully functional, as viral or bacterial orgnaisms couldn't survive the intense heat.
Reply:no and it unlikely beacuse the uv lights would kill any bacteria that is left. You probably picked it up somewhere else.
Reply:I have never had a problem in tanning beds, but my mom has. She doesnt sweat a lot, and after she would get out of the tanning bed she would be red and splotchy and itchy. Also, she once used one of those "tingle" type lotions, which broke her out. She was allergic to the hemp seed in it.
Reply:If I were u I'd be more worried about skin cancer than an infection.
Reply:ya a friend of mine did
Reply:No because I clean it before I get in. I don't trust that the person before me cleaned it.

What to do for a skin infection?

I recently got a tattoo, and for some reason it got infected. not sure if i'm rejecting it or if i got bit by something at a park and it spread or what. it's on my ankle and i managed to stop the spreading so it only has half of the tattoo. From my tat down my leg and ankle are swollen. I dont know if i should use sea salt, compresses or everything....

If anyone has any ideas or been through this before please give your input. thanks much!

What to do for a skin infection?
if you have that much pain, redness and swelling warm compresses will help but you need to be on antibiotics too
Reply:scratch it till it bleeds and then stick a needle in it and leave it there for 2.5 min (150 sec.)
Reply:Ahhhh, yeah.....You need to go to the doc. Skin infections do not go away with herbal remedies. You need an antibiotic.
Reply:definately go back to the tattoo place and ask them what they think.. thats your safest bet. dont play guessing games with things like this because it could turn badddd if you wait to long it happened to one of my friends. trust me, go back there and show them and ask professional advice.
Reply:You should go see a doctor as I have heard that you can get serious infections turning to gangrene by some tattoo inks. You might lose the tattoo but better that than your leg
Reply:You require systemic and topical antibiotics. See a Dermatologist without any delay.

I'm looking for a skin infection that is like ringworms that began with an i?


Common childhood disease.

I'm looking for a skin infection that is like ringworms that began with an i?
I had impetigo when I was a child, still have the scars from it. Here are some very good pictures:

lucky nuts

I have a yeast skin infection, will that make my legs,hands,and feet swell?


Yeast infection causes no swelling.

Bacterial infection such as cellulitis can do that.

How long will the skin infection heal completely?

I have a callus swollen under my left foot and it sometimes painful to walk if I walk too much in the past. I did apply medicated cream but it prolong for months until my mum (doctor) cut it out, and the chances it grow back is maybe highly possible. I have to apply cream everyday, but for how long?

How long will the skin infection heal completely?
It is very difficult to say. When an area becomes infected, it can be from many different causes. Because the infection is on your foot, it makes me wonder if you are possibly diabetic, since it is taking such a long time to heal. The best thing to do for any area that is infected is to keep it clean and dry. Apply an antibiotic ointment, even over the counter would definately help. Keep it bandaged with a "thick" bandage and try to do what you can to not over irritate it and give it a chance to heal. You definately may need to seek the advice of an actual physician, as most infections, depending on the cause and how it is being treated, usually are farely cleared within 7-14 days.

Help! is this some skin infection?

It's in my groin area,

when it started out it was just a little bump that pus came out of and i didn't think much of it, but it has been growing twice in size everyday since then, it has slowed down a lot now but it looks like it is still spreading. now it has taken up almost my whole groin, is the size of a nurf ball but is hard and continues to leak out this blood-like substance that look like it's from that scifi movie The Thing.

Help! is this some skin infection?
Sounds like a boil. I had one before and had to go to the doctor for it..he gave me antibiotics and lanced it. You need to get to the doctor and let him tend to it for you.
Reply:Go see a doctor, get an STD test just in case and they should know, I would recommend a doctor just because you can't always trust people over the internet
Reply:Go to a doctor.
Reply:sounds like you have a boil. go to the doctor, and they will lance it. it could get very infected, and you could get sick... keep in dry and clean.
Reply:Go to the doctor you moron! Minute Clinic or urgent care even, geez, don't walk around with a ball between your legs unless you are MALE.

that sort of thing shouldn't be ignored or put off any longer
Reply:It's either a boil, a carbuncle or a cyst. Get to your dermatologist ASAP. This must be removed surgically.
Reply:Ok-you haven't seen a doctor for this yet!!!???

You need to see a doctor. It definately sounds like some kind of inf and it sound like it is speading fast. It may just need antibiotics right now or you may have to have what it called an I+D (incision and drainage). They may have to surgically cut into the tissue and express the larger portion of infection out so that they can get the area to heal up.

But please see you doctors ASAP!!!
Reply:there was a rash going around in my area too and I got it but nothing like that. If you live with your parents tell your parents but you should see a doctor either way. This could be serious
Reply:Simple jock itch fungal ointment would fix it, or it might be a spider bite, but regardless must visit a doctor before it spreads to the blood stream.
Reply:it sounds like you may have an infected boil. Please see your doctor, the groin area has very sensitive skin. If you let go too long, it could be very painful. It may have to be surgically removed.
Reply:Sounds like a condition called hidradentis suppurativa. You NEED to have this treated before it causes what are called sinuses and spreads the condition to other areas.

Go see a dermatologist - they are very familiar with this condition and will drain the area, and put you on medications that will help prevent it from spreading. One very promising treatment is Accutane - the derm I used to work for was a pioneer in the use of it for treating this condition, and it works pretty well.
Reply:Go see a doctor before you get septic... and if you do, for the love of god, don't post it on Yahoo! answers and ask a whole website of idiots and, at best, amateurs doctors.
Reply:That is most likely a Bartholin Cyst. I had one that would reoccur every year or so until the doctor did a procedure called marsupialization to prevent the gland from closing fully which prevented the cyst from growing. It sounds like it may be absessed and I would get in with the doctor as soon as you can. He will drain it by either cutting it open or inserting a needle and draining it. This is the only way to get rid of it.

Hair lost. head skin infection??

My hairs are lost and many patches of about 1-2cm width are form in the whole head. The hair pores(from wich hairs grows up) are comletely closed. when i rub my finger in that patches, i feel very smooth surface without any pore. plz help me i m very worried about this.

Hair lost. head skin infection??
You should definitely consult with a dermatologist about this. But by the sound of the symptons, it may be alopecia, which a good friend of mine had recently. His hair has almost completely returned.

Check out the wikipedia definition of alopecia:
Reply:Okay, here's a good news/bad news scenario.

GOOD NEWS: It could be a simple fungal infection. You'll need to visit the dermatologist and see. If it is, there are several creams you can get to help fight it.

BAD NEWS: It sounds like it could be Alopecia Areata. Did the hair loss happen suddenly, or gradually? If that's the case, I don't believe there's much that can be done about it, but it's been a few years since I was diagnosed. Still, go see a dermatologist and find out what's happening.
Reply:Sounds like alopicia, my son had it too. they say stress can bring it on.


What is a skin infection called solticulitis?

Your spelling must be off, unless your looking for folliculitis which is of the hair folicles.

It can happen anywhere that hair belongs. So if you have hair on your arms, you can get it. Thus, it means any place on your body as hair grows everywhere, it doesnt pertain to visible hair. (A common misconception) Im not an expert in this field, so ill leave you with a few good links that helped me understand it more.

What kind of skin infection can it be?

My gramps got this smaller than a dime sore on the back of his thigh. He says that it is too tender to touch. He also thinks that it could be a wart. My husband thinks it's a ringworm. Can someone help me narrow it down to what it can be?

What kind of skin infection can it be?
The thing about dermatology is that a blind person could never be a dermatologist. It would have to be visually seen by a professional.

What kind of skin infection can it be........??

Well usually everytime I do a sport or exercise and i sweat all over my body and then it just itches so bad on my scrotum and I just can't help it, it itches a lot!! it also happens when I'm sitting with my legs together it also itches ocasionally, it just starts to itch I really would like to know what is wrong with me and if anyone knows what can be wrong with me please tell me, and if you got any other questions regarding this question feel free to send me an E-Mail.

What kind of skin infection can it be........??
It could be a fungal infection. Creams are available over the counter at chemists.

What is this skin infection called???

It happens when a pimple that was poped then got infected then red sores spread over your face..What is it called?

What is this skin infection called???
That's just cellulitis, if it's spread all over it's likely a infection by staph aureus, which normally lives on your skin anyway. When you popped the pimple, you left a hole in your skin that let bacteria in, which happens sometimes. Pimples themselves are caused by a separate bacteria called propionobacterium acnes.

I hope this helps.


I have a skin infection in my inner thigh and feel insecure about it and i don't know how to cure it.?

since i was like in elemenatry school these pimples started to develop around my inner thigh area i thought it would go away in time but through out the years it got worst and i deveolped a huge black shade in my inner thigh with black-head and pimples i get really embaress when i wear shorts or go to the beach and i have to open my legs because i have that black shade and those black head. i really dont know how to cure it. i always look through the internet for treatments but i never for the answer. i wanna know if there is some-1 out there that had the same thing or has the same thing i have and how do u cure it and if the black shade will go away. i dont wanna feel insecure with that. please help me find the right answer. thank u for your support.

I have a skin infection in my inner thigh and feel insecure about it and i don't know how to cure it.?
I don't know about the black but I believe getting some reversatrol

and take it 3 times per day for 8-12 weeks without fail will help a lot and maybe cure it it worked for very stuborn face infection I had I will take it for ever it is a miracle google it.:)
Reply:I have the same exact thing, I thought as I get older that it would be better, but it got worse.

People say that its ingrowns, NO.... there is no hair there. Report It

Reply:You need to go and see a dermatologist!!

Question about skin infection in kitten?

The Vet said it does not look or feel like ringworm, but it showed up fluorescent under the black light. He gave me tresaderm to put on it, no culture performed b/c the results take a while. The other kittens in her litter were tested negative back at the foster moms home. Vet didn't make big deal out of it but I keep reading these extreme measures you have to take if its ringworm and how contagious it is and now I am freaking out! But they tested negative, but it showed up fluorescent under the black light. The foster mom adopted out a cat that was apparently a carrier of ringworm, so that worries me but the other kittens cultures were negative... Does anyone know what it could be? Two vets are saying it isn't ringworm, but what else would it be??? I don't know what to do!!!

Question about skin infection in kitten?
It is very possible that it is allergies. Cats can develop skin lessions and "bald spots" because of food allergies, environment, etc. Sounds like you've done a great job in taking him to the vets to be checked, and if both vets say it is not, then I guess I'd go with that. If you are not convinced and still scared it is ringworm, then perhaps a 3rd vets recommendation is in order. Best of luck!!
Reply:If you get a yellow-green color under UV light, it's most likely ringworm; and yes, above the eyes is a typical place for it to show up. It's not the end of the world, any more than if you got it, but should be treated. Lamisil (terbinafine) cream is probably the best treatment. Tresaderm is pretty much useless except for temporary itch relief.

Cat's skin infection..what could i use?

I have an indoor cat with an open sore on the base of his tail. It has scabbed up before but continues to be a wet,open sore. Is there anything over the counter that I can use first without taking the cat to the vet? Something that he can ingest without harming him (because he will lick himself after I apply it). Thank you.

Cat's skin infection..what could i use?
I just took a peak at the answers that you got so far. The one about putting iodine isn't such a great idea. Iodine stings! Your cat will go crazy if you use iodine on an open wound like that. I would recommend maybe an antibiotic ointment a few times a day. You can pick it up at any drug store or at WalMart too. It's cats nature to lick what ever it is that is put on their bodies. There are collars that look like lamp shades. It goes around the cats neck to stop it from licking and biting their wounds. You can get one at a pet store or from a veterinarian's office. If you are able to make one your self, it's really rather easy to do. Just make sure it's made from a soft, flexible plastic. It wouldn't make much sense to put a bandage on this wound with out a collar tho. As the cat will just keep licking and biting until he gets it off. If you are able to either make a collar or to buy one. Try the antibiotic ointment and try putting a piece of gauze on the sore. If it doesn't start to get better within a few days I would recommend to take your cat to the vet.
Reply:try iodine its not safe to ingest but if you put a drop on their and make sure it drys before you unattend him you should be ok it try neospourin.
Reply:Is the pet licking at the spot? If he is, put a cone on him to keep him from doing more harm... but anything topical? I'm not sure about that part.
Reply:A sore that does not heal is an indication of another problem. It may be that the cat continually picks at it or it could be something worse like FIV. You should have your cat checked because FIV is very catching to other cats and it is deadly with no cure. Kittens can be born with it or catch it from another infected cat. It isn't catching to humans but it will shorten your cats life and you need to learn how to deal with the illness. Hope he's just biting. I've used antibiotic salve on dogs but don't know about cats. Sorry can't help you more.

Allergies or skin infection?

how can you tell which one it is that your pet has?

Allergies or skin infection?
Keep track of when the pet breaks it after being in the water for a period of time (swimming) is it during a period of excessive heat and humidity?? or is it after a particular food they've eaaten?

If its random it is probably an infection. otherwise prob ably related to those other types of situations and an allergy.
Reply:by taking it to the vet. either one of those problems has to be checked out and can only be treated by a vet and if it is a skin infection you could get it too so better safe than sorry

star of bethlehem

I got skin infection!?

This is the first time in 23 yrs that i've got acne very worried and itisnt going even after taking anti-biotic....pls give me some solution....i've been to kaya clinic and also dermetologists.....wat to do?

I got skin infection!?
have loads of water........nd keep ur skin clean
Reply:Maybe you can try Maple Clinic at Tampines. Its very good, i'm seeing the doctor also, i have been seeing more about 1 months and my skin is getting better and better.

Hope you can get pretty again.

Streptococcus?skin infection?

You probably have Streptococci which is Streptococcus. Though Streptococci affects the mouth, skin, intestine, and upper respiratory tract..

Pharmacy Tech

Streptococcus?skin infection?
Do u mean STAPH??

And what is the question??

Is this a skin infection ? a skin disease ? help !?

Please check this website: releases/limestone_photo_index.html and see picture # 5 %26amp; 6.

What is this disease's name? %26amp; how can it be cured ? What are its causes ?

I'd appreciate all the help i can get.

Note: I dont know why yahoo answers wont show the link properly, but it starts from 'http' all the way to '.html'.

Is this a skin infection ? a skin disease ? help !?
Rewrite after link to pictures was provided:

No one can diagnose from the pictures. It all looks like severe bacterial or viral infection, but the particular type can't be decided from photos, and this will determine what treatment to use. You must see a doctor, or have samples tested in a lab to determine what you are dealing with.

Whatever you do, good luck. I wouldn't wish this kind of discomfort on anyone.
Reply:Id like to help, but I do not click on posted web links.

If you really need help, leave all info here.


Try use the search engine, enter Psoriasis, hit search.

Psoriasis is a genetic disease. It is of the autoimmune variety....seems the brain sends messages to the skin that it needs to replicate itself constantly. As new skin grows old skin sheds. it is the rate of skin reproduction that is....not well understood. Some signs point to a generally weak auto/imune system, others cite alcoholism, stress, and depression.

See a Dermotologist. Do not even bother with over the counter meds. I did this and wasted three months of my time and lots of $. The Dermotologist got me on the right path.

Im nearly clear.

I have chickenpox and few skin infection on rashes is it ok to apply calamine on top of skin infections?

and is it ok to apply calamine on top of puss?

I have chickenpox and few skin infection on rashes is it ok to apply calamine on top of skin infections?
you might call the pharmacist or if you have a good physician.. I cant remember off the top of my head, but I know I used both an antibiotic cream and calamine on my son when he had chickenpox.. but I do remember you had to add one prior to the other due to the antibiotic effect.. please ask a professional...
Reply:are you sure it is the chicken pox? the shingles are going around but you only get shingles fi you had the chicken pox virus as a child. how old are you does you mom know what to do? dr tells us never scratch them they will leave scars the medicine is better than years ago. and dr. can give creams that will work much faster than over the counter.I feel for you for I had the shingles 4 yrs ago and it was terrible it felt like needles sticking me they gave me pain meds for it to. so I can not remember the feelings I had to go through with the chicken pox if you are feeling what I went through after midnight it was alful. hope you are well soon.


Skin infection, Eyebrow area?

For about 6 months my eyebrow hairs have been falling out at first i tried Moisteriser, then Vitamin E oil , then Almond oil. The doctor i saw yesterday gave me Canestan anti fungal cream to apply twise a day for two weeks, im just conscerned because by rubbing the cream in it is causing more hair loss. Has any one else ever had this problem?.

Skin infection, Eyebrow area?
You have a fungal infection, which has caused all your brow hairs to fall out. Keep using the meds for as long as directed.

The rubbing is causing the loose brows hairs to fall out; healthy ones should replace them. { you might want to invest in some brow makeup while you are waiting for them to grow back }.
Reply:It sounds like the start of Morgellons. Putting that antifugle cream on your brows then 30 Min's later rub them vigorously with tissue and you may get tiny white fibers out . Keep using that cream and your doctor is doing the right thing he just wont admit morgellons so don't rock that boat . You are luckier than most of us we get berated and labeled nuts by doctors. Get better and good luck

Can't shave because of an infection//dry skin//hair removal not working well =[?

Hey guys. So, I have boils. I had to have some lanced, and one even surgically removed because the infection was so deep. Anyway, because of the MRSA scare, and since I tested positive in my cultures, NOT my blood. (BIG difference, MRSA is the blood is what is hitting the news and killing people. MRSA just means a staph infection). Anyway, I have been fighthing this for months, and its not getting better. I went to a new surgeon the other day, and sadly I am on my anti-biotics, which can actually give someone boils, but only for 10 days and then Im off for good. The problem is, that my surgeon sad NO shaving for atleats one month because if I have any open skin, I am asking for another one.

Another problem isthat I have EXTREMELY dry skin, and my legs usually get so bad in the winter that I end up scrtach them until the bleed. So, I can't let them dry out anymore than they already have. But I really need to get this hair off my legs. I used the Senstive Nair, it didn't really work. =[

Can't shave because of an infection//dry skin//hair removal not working well =[?
Hi. I recommend you use Revitol hair removal Cream. Being that you have really sensitive skin this product is perfect for you. The cream is made with all natural ingredients, also this product comes with a 100% money back guarentee. If you would like more information I am more than happy to provide you with the website.
Reply:Any hair removal method, like waxing or epilation, could potentially open your skin and spread the infection. You have to listen to your doc. It will itch like hell, but can you use lotion? It sucks, but you don't want to make it worse. It's kind of like having chicken pox. Can't scratch them either.
Reply:sounds messy
Reply:hi i seem to understand you however you still can shave!! get one of those razors without no blades!! i think they are Veels or one like that!! and as for as the itching legs, i use palmers cocobutter after i get out of the shower of bath. This lotion has a lot of vitimans and oils for which your legs need. just reapply when needed!!
Reply:well if i were you i would stick to tennis shoes and jeans for a while because i remember when i was 13 and i had the chicken pocks so i put calimine lotion on and hid it under my pants and long socks . ps. hope you get better : )

Guinea pig with dry skin? Fungal infection? Mites?

My guinea pig has a patch of what looks like dry skin on her right ear. I haven't really noticed her scratching at it, but it never seems to get better. Anyone have any ideas of what this could be? My husband tried putting a small amount of hand creme on it to see if it would help and it just looked really red and sore the next day so we won't try that again. I've looked up some information online and saw that they can get mites and fungal infections, but what Piglet has looks nothing like the pictures of those - as it doesn't seem to be that pronounced yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Guinea pig with dry skin? Fungal infection? Mites?
My guinea pigs get dry skin all the time. If your house is warm and you want to dare give him a bath in oatmeal bath you can, then use oatmeal conditioner. You can also use a spray leave in conditioner on them, it works really well, or if you can find silicone spray it works well too. Good Luck!
Reply:Piggies do get dry skin, and the oatmeal bath is a brilliant idea that really works....however, our precious piggies CAN carry the fungus that causes ringworm, so you might ought to go get a simple skin scraping at the vet to find out. I found this out first-hand when my daughter contracted ringworm on her arm.


Skin Yeast Infection?

I have a mixed breed who we have spend thousands of $$$ on for yeast infections. She has got dry yet greasy, crusty, itchy elephant skin and a horrible odor. Medications did not work except for one antibiotic she was on but it came back once the medication was gone. She has lost half her hair and lost weight because her body is trying too hard to fight it.

Has anyone at all had a dog like this and have you found anything that works? I know the condition is chronic with her but if I can keep the yeast at bay with treatment, I think we will all be happier.

Skin Yeast Infection?
The vet should have kept her on the antibiotic till it was gone. If it is not completely gone then it will come back.

I would go back and get her on oral antibiotics again and an antifungal spray. If she finishes the antibiotic and you still smell it (It does have a very distinctive smell) take her back to get more before you runout completely. She needs to stay on it continously till it is gone.
Reply:Try letting her soak in an oatmeal bath. Also what kind of food do you have her on. Natures Recipe is a really good food. They have one made for sensitive skin. My dog was getting yeast infections every fall I switched him over to Natures Recipe and the oatmeal baths and its really helped a lot. I hope this helps.
Reply:my cousins dog had the same problem the thing that helped it and i now it sounds funny is motorer oil it really only releved theitch and pain. my pit had hot spots witch i think is kinda like what your talking about i used otameal wash on her you can get it at the pet store.
Reply:Control Fungus Internally:

Feed a high quality based diet.

Use a metabolic enzyme (Nzymes) to detoxify the body.

Use probiotics/digestive and dietary enzymes to keep the pH balance of the stomach in proper balance. This in turn helps prevent yeast overgrowth.

Use raw apple cider vinegar or lemon juice - 2 teaspoons per day on food or in water, to help keep the pH balance where it should be in the gut and make an environment, which is not conducive to yeast proliferation.

Use Oxy-drops in drinking water or on food, to keep fungus and pathogenic bacteria overgrowth in check.

If you using a combination of Oxy-Drops and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, vets usually suggest using the Apple Cider Vinegar in the water, and the Oxy-Drops diluted solution (1 drop per 20 lb.) mixed with some water and added on the food so they don't cancel out each others benefits. One is alkaline the other acidic so they can't be put in their water or food at the same time.

Control Fungus Externally:

1. Bathe in sulfur-based or medicated shampoo

2. Prepare a 50/50 mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar %26amp; Water

3. Rinse or wipe affected areas with 50/50 mixture daily. Note: Do not use Apple cider mixture on open lesions

4. Prepare a 2% solution of Oxy-Drops (1 teaspoon + 1 cup of distilled water). Use this to spray or wipe skin, ears, and feet with to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

5. For ears - your vet can recommend the appropriate medication.

Always consult with your veterinarian for his recommendations.
Reply:ok, my dog had the same thing and i had spent a lot of money at the vets office before i finally called my naturopath and took here there.

the yeast infection is completely throughout her body, not just on the skin. you need to switch her diet to canned food only and make sure that she is not getting many carbs. in addition to that you need to give her a supplement to help kill the yeast (collidal silver works, add to water or give a tablet sf722(that's what i did) and acidophilius (sprinkle on food). You will start to notice a difference with you dog in about a month, I kept my dog on this diet for 6-8 weeks. If this doesnt work contact a naturopath and try to get her in. Good Luck!!
Reply:Antibiotics won't get rid of the yeast infection, they merely take care of the bacterial infection that she gets in the open wounds caused by the yeast.

Start her off with 2 acidophilus capsules every day for a week. You can pull the capsule apart and mix the powder in with her food. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a naturally occuring bacteria that we all have. Normally it balances the yeast that we also have. But if there isn't enough lacto in the system, the yeast takes over. Lacto is also necessary for a healthy immune system.

After a week, continue with a capsule every day. Lacto is one of the ingredients of yoghurt, and many dogs like that. In her case she needs a large dose right away to counteract the yeast.

For her irritated skin, you can rub in some cream used for treating yeast infections in women. Canesten is one brand that comes to mind and is available over the counter. I would also wash all her bedding to remove the yeast spores.

Once the infection is under control, keep her on a capsule every day. It will prevent a re-occurance and strengthen her immune system to keep her healthy.
Reply:I would say that your dog may need to see a Veterinary Dermatologist for her skin problem. Good luck bad skin is hard to treat sometimes.
Reply:my dog had similar problems w/horrible scratching until she bled.She also had stinky, blackened skin w/ some balding!! and i tried everything!! Changing her food to vitamin/fish oil supplements, shampoos, creams and nothing worked....Until I found the home remedy on the net. THIS REALLY WORKS!!! Buy a box of 20 Mule Team borax ---{ it is in the laundry detergent isle at Walmart for 4 bucks} buy a big bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide-- {depending on the size of your dog} **since hydrogen peroxide is 3% you need to dilute it w/ 2 parts water to make it 1% strength.

Ok, heres the recipe..,, get a large cup like a super-size burger king cup {or a picther if the dog is large-- you can double the recipe} and gather the above ingredients. I use a measuring cup for accuracy and i measure 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and put it in the cup then i add at least 2 or 3 cups of the borax to the peroxide and stir, then i add 2 cups of very warm water to the cup and stir and stir until it somewhat dissloves.{ there will be some settleing so be sure to stir when you get ready to apply.] ok the mixture is ready i put it on the sink and the dog in the tub and give her a bath with my hair shampoo and rinse well, very well!! then i re-stir my mixture and put it all over her body taking special attention to her "bad" areas, make sure to get the entire dog! I dab her face and chin with a clean washcloth soaked in the mixture. LEAVE THE MIXTURE ON FOR AT LEAST 10 MINUTES while the dog sits in the tub.This mixture is gritty and messy, but it doesnt sting the eyes or burn the skin. depending on the condition of the dog you can rinse her or leave in on her. I myself have found it works better ir you leave in on, do not rinse or towel dry. let the dog in her area to dry and allow the mixture to get all over where she sleeps and hangs out, it is messy so keep her out of you bed and off the furniture until she is dry. i did this every 3 days for a month and she looks AWESOME now! Apple Cider Vinegar from the health store works great too,{ in place of the 3% peroxide in the mixture} for itching, but it burns if the dog has open sores. I spray her with ACV {apple cider vinegar} daily and it makes her so SILKY and it also helps with any scratching, you wouldnt believe it!!! but she smells like a salad 4 awhile. I am seriously telling you from experience---IT WORKS like nothing else Ive tried!!!!!

I am a diabetic, i have a problem of skin infection especially in grois and anus region there is no benefit?

i take bath regualrly but i get this fungal infection which cannot be seen but lot of burning sensation is there in buttocks, groin and anus region. However, no visible lesions is present an any one hlep. ain 47 years. male.please help

I am a diabetic, i have a problem of skin infection especially in grois and anus region there is no benefit?
You should not come into a health forum and post jokes. This is a serious forum about health.
Reply:i am very much appalled by thr response for the genuine question posted in adiabetic section please refer this question to the panel of diabetic expert to see whether this qauestion is joke or otherwise. regards. Report It

Reply:1 Do'nt eat sweets

2 Wear cotton made clothes

3 apply neem oil
Reply:Interesting avatar for a 47-year-old guy.

Fungi are difficult to treat. Keeping clean and dry helps, since they thrive in a warm, moist environment.

When you say you bathe regularly, do you mean daily? If not, do so, and lather the affected area generously with an antibacterial soap. If it's warm where you live, twice daily is not unreasonable, although you may need no more than a rinse except where you have this problem.

Dry thoroughly. Apply a cornstarch-based unscented powder (like baby powder, except not talc-based and not perfume-sweet) once you're dry.

Launder your bedding, towels, and underwear in hot water with detergent (not soap) and, if they can take it, bleach. Change underwear each time you bathe, bedding and towels at least every 5-7 days, more often if possible or if you perspire when you sleep.

Wear natural fibers only--cotton, linen, flax, ramie, wool. Underwear should be cotton. Avoid clothing that's tight in the seat and crotch, pressing your clothing against your body all day and/or all night. Air circulation, even a tiny amount, can keep the area dryer. Consider boxers if you're a briefs guy.

If ten days of this regimen doesn't help quite a bit, it's time to see your doctor.

Please note that I am not a doctor.
Reply:NUMBER ONE: Get your blood sugar down! Fungus loves a sweet environment.

TWO: Make sure affected areas are clean and dry:

THREE: Use a topical antifungal cream.

Using after-shave lotion reduces the chances of skin infection????

i do not use an aftershave or alcohol after a shave. i take a bath. is that the right thing to do. i cannot bear the pain aftershaves and alcohol give. any other trying to change to electric razors. many have advised they are not good( your skin turns black after a few days). how true is that? dry shaving better than razor blades?I DO NOT CARE ABOUT A CLOSE SHAVE.

Using after-shave lotion reduces the chances of skin infection????
Electric shavors are harmful for skin. You don't have to use aftershave if you use a soap like Dettol on your face instead. What you're doing is right but make sure your skin stays clean. My Dad and I left off aftershaves years ago and just wash our faces afterwards with Dettol sensitive...I've never had a problem on my face since then.
Reply:i use after shave cuz it smells awesome
Reply:A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

¸.•*´`*♥Have you ever known anyone that had a skin infection called Cellulitis???♥*´`*•.¸?

My brother has just found out he has it and has been givin antibiotics, ive read up on it, it sounds nasty.

I just wondered if anyone had experience with the infection???

¸.•*´`*♥Have you ever known anyone that had a skin infection called Cellulitis???♥*´`*•.¸?
yes hun, i get it a few times a year, it comes up in the form of a boil, i get them coz i am diabetic, usually in the lower regions hun, so would advise he is tested for this, thet are very painful and mine have to be surgically removed (due to me having cerebal palsy as well), antibiotics can help, but if it gets too big it may need medical intervention, if you want anymore info, you can email me hun, will only be too glad to help

star time


sorry hun, dont mean to scare you
Reply:Yes,my sister had it,very painful too. She'd apparrently banged her leg which was the cause. Antibiotics cleared it up but it took a while..............
Reply:Hope he gets better soon. Not the sort of Christmas present he was expecting I'm sure.
Reply:Very common. Not desperately pleasant but usually easy to treat and settles down over a few weeks with the right antibiotics. Expect a bit of leg swelling for some months, if the infection is severe there may be persistent trouble with swelling (edema) of the affected leg (assuming it is in the leg). Usually there is a cut / wound/ irritation that permits entry of the bacteria that set the whole thing off.
Reply:Hi. Like any infection cellulitis can be mild or sever.

Generally a course of antibiotics should clear it up. If the reddness on the affected area gets worse then he should go back to the doctors at once as it may be he needs injected antibiotics or just different tablets.

I would expect him to make a full recovery without any long term effects.

Hope its soon better.
Reply:awww hope he gets better soon, i had something similar a few years back, had it on my face. took a while for the swelling to go down with the help of antibiotics. i never knew how many swollen glands you could get my whole head felt like it was full of marbles and the pain was unimaginable.
Reply:Copped this one long ago...took ages for a 'final heal' (that was a jab 3 times a day for a week in my bum) with antibiotics. The start was when I hit my skin hard on a rock on a beach, skin was split through to the bone, got infected. The Sick Bay ( was in the Royal Navy ) at the time gave me those waterproof plasters....they were top class rubbish, wound did not dry up at all, finished up getting cloth topped 'Elastoplast' type plasters,allowed the wound to breath and dry, fully healed a couple of weeks later. Now, having learnt, always allow a wound to breash, never use waterproof dressings unless i really have to.
Reply:My baby girl had it a couple of years ago, and had to be hospitalized with an antibiotic drip just so they could clear it up quickly. But the antibiotics worked, and there are not long term effects. It is painful while it lasts, but if he is receiving proper medical care, then he should be fine soon. And by the way, it is nasty. I hope he gets better soon. Best wishes.
Reply:I was actually hospitalized with it and put on i.v. antibiotics for a day and a half. Didn't hurt very much but it was scary.

I banged my knee and it turned red. A couple of days later,

the redness had spread to my ankle and halfway up my thigh.

It was very hot to the touch, which was a little scary, but it

cleared up within a couple of days of the treatment.

As long as your brother has been diagnosed and treated, he will be fine.
Reply:my little girl had this when she was six on her face she was took into hospital and had to have antibiotics threw a drip but it didn't go she had an operation in he end to have the infection drained not a nice thing but cleared straight away after that with the right antibiotics it should clear up just keep a close eye on it if no improvement after a few days i would go back and see the doctor hope he is better soon
Reply:I knew a guy that had it, very painful, it was on his legs and he could barely walk....very expensive antibiotics....good luck!

umbrella tree

Monday, November 16, 2009

How long does it take for a skin infection to improve?

My son got bitten by an insect on Sunday night- I took him to the ER on Monday, started antibiotics on Moday afternoon, but it appears his skin is worse now. How long before it starts to look better? He has no fever is in good spirits, etc, but the wheals on his torso are painful to look at.

How long does it take for a skin infection to improve?
If after 48 hours he's not turning a corner call the MD back perhaps this medicine isn't the correct one - for this infection.

Don't put it off as skin infections can get bad over night- keep an eye on things and if you feel unsure or worried call the MD.

Or ER or take him back in. I'd say tomorrow is a good test to do this - as it's been 48 hours.
Reply:generally 2-3 days. i would take him back to the doctor

What can I do about dry skin/infection in my belly button?

I don't know what caused it - I've tried putting regular lotion in my bellybutton, plus I've tried that lotion that stops the itching (i forget what it's called), but nothing helps to clear it up. It's just red with lots of dry, peeling skin in there and it itches a lot. What else can I try to clear it up?

What can I do about dry skin/infection in my belly button?
If you have an infection, you need an antibiotic not an anti-itch medication.

Try using something like neosporin, but you should also consider the advice people are giving you to see a doctor.

Check out this article about skin infections:
Reply:go to your doctor
Reply:they make some anti-itch salves...similar to Vaseline in consistency but better for rashes etc...sorry i can't think of the name..starts w/ an A

talk to a pharmacist 1st, if you are worried see a dr.
Reply:How about going to the doctors. Your belly button is the wrong place to get an infection.
Reply:Soak a cotton ball with alcohol, gently dab, (it will sting for a few seconds, fan your hand over your belly button to dry, put some baby oil, vitamin e oil, olive oil, or I have in a pinch, used vegetable oil(on my hands). The alcohol is for sterilization first, the oil is for the severe itching dry skin. Good luck. Try not to irritate it too much more.


Help with itchy pooch: Dog skin infection...?

Is there anything I can do for her on my own. We are broke and the local vet is an expensive crook. She has had some antibiotics before, but as soon as they run out, she's all red and itchy again.

Will she recover eventually on her own? Will anything ever get worse/ health problems. We can't afford to have her on nonstop antibiotics. Is there anything natural or over the counter? Would benadryl help, I know people have used that for dog allergies, but the vet said this was an infection.

How about an anti-yeast cream for baby butts?

Gimme anything useful....thanks!

Help with itchy pooch: Dog skin infection...?
Change her food.

Get one without corn, wheat, milk, soy, beef or chicken.

Innova EVO is best. It's a little on the pricey side, but you save money in the long run.

Really! It's doing great things for itchy dogs.

California Natural Skin and Coat Formula is also great. Wonderful for itchy dogs.

Find both at
Reply:There are oatmeal baths soaps that you can use and that might help with the dry skin. You can buy them at any pet store.

Do I have a skin infection?

My finger is very dry and scaly, it hurts to move, there's tiny circles of skin that's broken and a little bit of puss. What is it? What should I do?

Do I have a skin infection?
Sounds like you just have very dry skin.

try using a hand cream like Vanicream, you can get it at any Wal-mart or Walgreens. use it several times a day.

It's a non-greasy, moisturizing skin cream.

I had a skin infection that after it cleared up, it left a discolored mark, my question is this..I want to?

cover the area with a tattoo..Can this be done? will a tattoo artist even do it? They might think I have some disease or something. Is it safe to tattoo over discolored skin?

I had a skin infection that after it cleared up, it left a discolored mark, my question is this..I want to?
Some people claim it cannot be done; however, i have a half sleeve on my left arm (tattoo extending from shoulder to elbow). At the shoulder blade i have a scar from when I was given my polo immunization. The artist claimed that the tattoo would not cover it; however, I can no longer find the scar.
Reply:I would not do that just yet. Because there might be some infected particles in your skin right now, and polluting them with ink would not be a great idea.
Reply:ive seen people get tattoos over scars so i dont see why they couldnt tattoo over that. i have discolored skin on my ankle from a scar that was itchy when it was healing, it comes from scratching it alot. my doctor told me that i killed my pigment cells from scratching.
Reply:cocoa butter all the way it really works
Reply:Salcura Intensive spray healed up my red-purple skin after injuries %26amp; eczema patches. Without it they would still be purple or at least for 6 months before they start to return to my normal skin colour.
Reply:I am not sure if they will cover but. My daughter had a infection on her face and it left a red mark and it is still there months later and the docotr said that it can take years for it t go away I would waite and see it it doesnt go away than it is permant and the artist may it varies, there all differnt just like surgens they choose what is alright what they want to risk check it out go to the doctor and see what they say about it!
Reply:no its not safe b/c the infection can come back! use a face cream that helps with discolored skin and wrinkles and it shuld work just give it some time
Reply:depends on how long ago we are talking about. most likely it should be ok.

What kind of skin infection causes red bumps on cats?

We thought that it may have been a flea allergy but she does not have many fleas. Our other three cats do not have any knd of problems with their skin. She also bites in the area where the reb bumps are. We are thinking about taking her to the Vet.

What kind of skin infection causes red bumps on cats?
Does not have 'many' fleas? If she has a flea allergy, one flea is going to be plenty to make her crazy!

Go to a vets a get some proper flea treatment for her before this turns into worse than red bumps - flea allergies can result on hair loss, scabs and insanely sore skin. You can't get any effective flea treatment from a store, so take her to a vet.

Reply:The vet is the only person who can diagnose %26amp; treat this problem properly so its best to go to the vets :)
Reply:If you're absolutely sure it's not fleas (one flea can cause this on a cat who's allergic), then check your cat food. One of our cats came down with this on food she'd eaten for years. I checked the new bag against the ingredients from the old bag and the manufacturer had moved the rosemary extract up 6 lines. Ours was highly allergic to it and had broken out in lumps first on her neck, then shoulders, then sides and a LOT by her hips. They'd scab up, then disappear, but more and more kept appearing in new places.

Rosemary extract is a natural preservative, but some cats are very sensitive to it. I found two others who had their cats on the same food who had this show up in their cats. It didn't go away till we switched foods to something where the extract was much further down the ingredient list. Took 2 weeks before the last of the bumps went away.
Reply:It sounds like flea allergies. If a cat/dog is allergic, it only takes one flea to cause the reaction. The vet has a shot for allergies that usually does wonders. Advantage will get rid of all fleas, and stop the problem by getting rid of the cause.
Reply:It could be flea bit dermatitis even though you can't see any fleas don't always mean there aren't some there. With flea bite dermatitis one bite from a flea can cause cat to break out all over. I would suggest you go ahead and take her to the vet and get some Revolution for the fleas. That's what I have to give my cat who has the same problem.

purple heart