After bathing some redish regions are appearing on my skin of chest,stomach etc and some what itching, is it any infection?
And also my lymph nodes are enlarged in my neck,just above my left collar bone,and left and right side of my neck.Is it serious?And also i am suffering from constipation and dandruff problems for years,and my lymph nodes are in enlarged size for about 3 to 4 years.I dont understand what is wrong with me,i am worried about all these,please help me.
After bathing some redish regions are appearing on my skin and some what itching, is it any infection?
as for the redish areas, it couldahave been affected by hot water.
and the rest,... sorry i dont know.
Reply:the red spots might be fungus from the tub and/or your towel.
eat beans and raisin bran to help constipation.
Drink some bottled water, you might feel better.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Can you get herpes viral infection on your skin?
Childhood skin rash
Can you get herpes viral infection on your skin?
absolutely, even your eyes can be infected with herpes (this can happen to a child passing through the birth canal). Also you can have a herpes infection in your mouth and spread it to a partner through kissing or oral sex. If you think you have one on your skin you should see your doctor, but be aware there are different kinds of herpes some of them are more serious than others.
Reply:Ever heard of a cold sore or shingles.
Reply:Yes. A cold sore (usually on your lips) is a form of herpes. A skin rash could also be ringworm or scabies. Check with a doctor
Reply:ohh yes
Reply:you can get it in your eyes.
Reply:Yes, there are many types of herpes.
Can you get herpes viral infection on your skin?
absolutely, even your eyes can be infected with herpes (this can happen to a child passing through the birth canal). Also you can have a herpes infection in your mouth and spread it to a partner through kissing or oral sex. If you think you have one on your skin you should see your doctor, but be aware there are different kinds of herpes some of them are more serious than others.
Reply:Ever heard of a cold sore or shingles.
Reply:Yes. A cold sore (usually on your lips) is a form of herpes. A skin rash could also be ringworm or scabies. Check with a doctor
Reply:ohh yes
Reply:you can get it in your eyes.
Reply:Yes, there are many types of herpes.
Why do canary get infection on their skin?
I have a canary that has a infection for a long time and i want to know how to heal it. please help me
Why do canary get infection on their skin?
Bring it to a vet.
They will test what kind of infection and give you some thing for it.
Reply:Take the poor bird to an avian veterinarian.
Reply:Unless you specify in more details as to what kind of infection this poor bird has, there is nothing I can do to help! Please take this bird to a veterinarian so it can be seen and treated properly.
Reply:My first bit of advice is to take it to an Avian vet. They are the only ones who can know for sure what the infection is and how to cure it. Anything you hear otherwise is just a best guess.
On that note...
Aloe Vera works well for skin irritations on just about every animal, even birds. Stick some in a squirt bottle and spray her down. It won't hurt if they ingest any either.
Why do canary get infection on their skin?
Bring it to a vet.
They will test what kind of infection and give you some thing for it.
Reply:Take the poor bird to an avian veterinarian.
Reply:Unless you specify in more details as to what kind of infection this poor bird has, there is nothing I can do to help! Please take this bird to a veterinarian so it can be seen and treated properly.
Reply:My first bit of advice is to take it to an Avian vet. They are the only ones who can know for sure what the infection is and how to cure it. Anything you hear otherwise is just a best guess.
On that note...
Aloe Vera works well for skin irritations on just about every animal, even birds. Stick some in a squirt bottle and spray her down. It won't hurt if they ingest any either.
I am 4 months pregnant and I had a urinary track infection and skin allergies. The doctor gave me cefalixin.?
cefalexin is an antibiotic commonly used for UTI's i used it alot when i was pregnant as i had kidney infections quite often you should be fine taking it
congrats on the pregnancy and good luck
I am 4 months pregnant and I had a urinary track infection and skin allergies. The doctor gave me cefalixin.?
for instant relief of a uti, take cranberry pills, you can buy them from walmart in vitamin dept, and there is this stuff called azo.... the regular formula not cranberry, it is a tiny pill that turns your pee bright orange but takes the pressure away within 20 minutes.... So:
Azo.... original formula
Cranberry pills..... take 3 at least!
Reply:first check ur blood sugar levels.might be gestational diabetes
congrats on the pregnancy and good luck
I am 4 months pregnant and I had a urinary track infection and skin allergies. The doctor gave me cefalixin.?
for instant relief of a uti, take cranberry pills, you can buy them from walmart in vitamin dept, and there is this stuff called azo.... the regular formula not cranberry, it is a tiny pill that turns your pee bright orange but takes the pressure away within 20 minutes.... So:
Azo.... original formula
Cranberry pills..... take 3 at least!
Reply:first check ur blood sugar levels.might be gestational diabetes
I took bactrim for an ear infection and on 11th day developed a skin rash all over. how long does it last?
HELP! My doctor perscribed me Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole) for a whole month %26amp; Cipro drops for a continuing ear infection. I was on the medication for 10 days ( 2 tablets a day for 10 days and the rest 1) and on the 11th day (morning) my lower back (kidney region) started to feel sore. That afternoon I developed small red rashes around my elbows ( i sometimes get hives or have sensitive skin and assumed it would go away) . however throughout the day red spots developed on my legs. The next morning and afternoon some of them grew and there were other red rashes and bumps all over my legs and arms and some on my torso. I went to my doctor that afternoon (12th day) she told me to stop with my medication. She gave me a shot and then perscribed methopredinisolone.The red/pink rashes/bumps are all over the place and some look like popped capillaries. These don't itch. But I was wondering how long does this rash last for? And does it or will it scar my body? Any advice would be great.
I took bactrim for an ear infection and on 11th day developed a skin rash all over. how long does it last?
Anytime you are taking a medication, especially an antibiotic, stop taking it and call your doctor AT ONCE if you have hives, a rash, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing or any other allergic symptom. It's probably the Bactrim, but people do become allergic to Cipro, so you should not take either one again unless a doctor desensitizes you. Taking whatever you are allergic to again could produce a much worse reaction, even death. You should wear a medic alert bracelet as well.
An allergic rash should not leave scars unless you get an area of it infected by scratching. You may see some skin peeling like from a bad sunburn from a severe allergic rash, but normally nothing permanent. Signs of the rash can last for many weeks, but eventually they should go away entirely. If anything starts looking worse, be certain to tell your doctor.
Bactrim contains the sulfa drug you mentioned, sulfamethoxazole, and another drug, trimethoprim. If you do not drink enough liquids when taking a sulfa drug, crystals can form which may irritate or damage the kidneys. That could explain the back pain, but ask your doctor about this.
Bactrim allergies are very common. My entire family is allergic to sulfa drugs and one of my children had a life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome reaction to it after taking it safely for many years.
Just remember that you don't "outgrow" allergies and another reaction is always possible and may be much worse.
Reply:Go to the doctor! You may be having an allergic reaction to the medication. Or who knows?! Just call your doctor ASAP!
Reply:It should not take too long or cause scaring....but this depends on how hard did you scratch? If you scratched in a crazy state of itching and broke open the skin and made the skin bleed and did all sorts of skin damage, then it would be like you skinned your knee and that damage, as you probably remember, took about 2 weeks if you do not pick the scabs too much. Scarring would be caused if this raw tissue becomes infected. So if you have raw tissue, keep it very clean with soap and water, maybe put some bacitracin on it and cover with bandaides or clean dressings that you buy in a drug store. Keep your dirty fingers off it and there should be no scars. If you did not ever break the skin, all should be well in a couple of days. Your can always call your doctor's nurse for advice if you stay worried. Ice causes the skin to itch a lot less. Rub the itch with an ice more than 15-20 minutes. If you bled under the skin it is a bruise and the colors will go like any other bruise..slowly and changing colors as each part of the blood is reabsorbed....probably not longer that 2 scaring.
I took bactrim for an ear infection and on 11th day developed a skin rash all over. how long does it last?
Anytime you are taking a medication, especially an antibiotic, stop taking it and call your doctor AT ONCE if you have hives, a rash, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing or any other allergic symptom. It's probably the Bactrim, but people do become allergic to Cipro, so you should not take either one again unless a doctor desensitizes you. Taking whatever you are allergic to again could produce a much worse reaction, even death. You should wear a medic alert bracelet as well.
An allergic rash should not leave scars unless you get an area of it infected by scratching. You may see some skin peeling like from a bad sunburn from a severe allergic rash, but normally nothing permanent. Signs of the rash can last for many weeks, but eventually they should go away entirely. If anything starts looking worse, be certain to tell your doctor.
Bactrim contains the sulfa drug you mentioned, sulfamethoxazole, and another drug, trimethoprim. If you do not drink enough liquids when taking a sulfa drug, crystals can form which may irritate or damage the kidneys. That could explain the back pain, but ask your doctor about this.
Bactrim allergies are very common. My entire family is allergic to sulfa drugs and one of my children had a life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome reaction to it after taking it safely for many years.
Just remember that you don't "outgrow" allergies and another reaction is always possible and may be much worse.
Reply:Go to the doctor! You may be having an allergic reaction to the medication. Or who knows?! Just call your doctor ASAP!
Reply:It should not take too long or cause scaring....but this depends on how hard did you scratch? If you scratched in a crazy state of itching and broke open the skin and made the skin bleed and did all sorts of skin damage, then it would be like you skinned your knee and that damage, as you probably remember, took about 2 weeks if you do not pick the scabs too much. Scarring would be caused if this raw tissue becomes infected. So if you have raw tissue, keep it very clean with soap and water, maybe put some bacitracin on it and cover with bandaides or clean dressings that you buy in a drug store. Keep your dirty fingers off it and there should be no scars. If you did not ever break the skin, all should be well in a couple of days. Your can always call your doctor's nurse for advice if you stay worried. Ice causes the skin to itch a lot less. Rub the itch with an ice more than 15-20 minutes. If you bled under the skin it is a bruise and the colors will go like any other bruise..slowly and changing colors as each part of the blood is reabsorbed....probably not longer that 2 scaring.
How do youtreat a boil [infection] on skin [neck]?
my brother used to suffer with these, and if he got one, he would get more, we used to put a ointment called magnaplasm on it to draw out the infection and he used to take sarsparella tablets (you can get them from health shops) to stop reinfection through his blood/tissue.
This is an old bush remedy, I dont know if it will work for you, but it certainly worked for my brother.
Good luck
How do youtreat a boil [infection] on skin [neck]?
i had one and my doc said to make a bread poltice as hot as i could bear and it worked it drew out what was inside it and i just used savlon cream to keep it clean till it healed. good luck some times the old cures are the best.
Reply:I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.
Here is a link :
If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.
Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.
There is some support groups at MSN
and yahoo, and I am open for questions!
I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.
This is an old bush remedy, I dont know if it will work for you, but it certainly worked for my brother.
Good luck
How do youtreat a boil [infection] on skin [neck]?
i had one and my doc said to make a bread poltice as hot as i could bear and it worked it drew out what was inside it and i just used savlon cream to keep it clean till it healed. good luck some times the old cures are the best.
Reply:I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.
Here is a link :
If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.
Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.
There is some support groups at MSN
and yahoo, and I am open for questions!
I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.
Can a oral infection cause skin burning?
if you have candidiasis albicans (yeast) in your mouth and you get it on your skin you can get yeast infection of the skin
Can a oral infection cause skin burning?
no, because the oral infection is inside your mouth while skin burning is outside your body
Reply:No. Unless it is outside the mouth over the lips when that area alone may have buning sensation.
if you have candidiasis albicans (yeast) in your mouth and you get it on your skin you can get yeast infection of the skin
Can a oral infection cause skin burning?
no, because the oral infection is inside your mouth while skin burning is outside your body
Reply:No. Unless it is outside the mouth over the lips when that area alone may have buning sensation.
How do you clean and take care of your skin when you have a Staph. infection?
I have a staph infection that I've had for years that comes and goes. I'm assuming that anit-bacterial soap is the best thing to clean with but how about body lotion. My skin is dry and I just can't go without it. Is there a particular ingrediant I should look for. A certain brand. Also, the infection tends to leave scars, can I use a scar cream to help with that?
How do you clean and take care of your skin when you have a Staph. infection?
go to the doctor and they will give u a shot of penicillin to stop the spread of the infection, put antibiotic ointment on it, rubbing alcohol around the infection, and change bandages every 4-8 hours, stay out of sunlight no more than 30 min. max because that can worsen the infection, try and stay away from people so they wont get it.
Staff is very dangerous watch out for it
How do you clean and take care of your skin when you have a Staph. infection?
go to the doctor and they will give u a shot of penicillin to stop the spread of the infection, put antibiotic ointment on it, rubbing alcohol around the infection, and change bandages every 4-8 hours, stay out of sunlight no more than 30 min. max because that can worsen the infection, try and stay away from people so they wont get it.
Staff is very dangerous watch out for it
Small lump under skin on labia and a yeast infection....?
Okay so I have a small lump under my skin on my labia minora at the very top. It is not HARD, but I can definitely feel it. It is tender and uncomfortable. I have been doing some research online for the past couple of days, and I think it is a seb cyst. Because the way those cysts are described sounds like it matches exactly...
I go to the gyno for regular annual check ups. I went last Nov and they ran all test, including blood tests and my tests were clean. I am going for my annual check up on Nov 14th. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now
I am also on the Nuva Ring and those are notorious for causing yeast infections....and I think I have one right now. I have had them before so I know what they would feel like. I bought an over the counter yeast infection one day treatment
2. Do the first description sound like a Seb Cyst?
Please Help
Small lump under skin on labia and a yeast infection....?
this site has the absolute best cure for yeast infections, try it!
Reply:You have discribe canidia
this is an auto immune disease. I have been using this it really helps
I go to the gyno for regular annual check ups. I went last Nov and they ran all test, including blood tests and my tests were clean. I am going for my annual check up on Nov 14th. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now
I am also on the Nuva Ring and those are notorious for causing yeast infections....and I think I have one right now. I have had them before so I know what they would feel like. I bought an over the counter yeast infection one day treatment
2. Do the first description sound like a Seb Cyst?
Please Help
Small lump under skin on labia and a yeast infection....?
this site has the absolute best cure for yeast infections, try it!
Reply:You have discribe canidia
this is an auto immune disease. I have been using this it really helps
Okay so I have a small lump under my skin on my labia minora at the very top. It is not HARD, but I can definitely feel it. It is tender and uncomfortable. I have been doing some research online for the past couple of days, and I think it is a seb cyst. Because the way those cysts are described sounds like it matches exactly...
I go to the gyno for regular annual check ups. I went last Nov and they ran all test, including blood tests and my tests were clean. I am going for my annual check up on Nov 14th. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now
I am also on the Nuva Ring and those are notorious for causing yeast infections....and I think I have one right now. I have had them before so I know what they would feel like. I bought an over the counter yeast infection one day treatment
2. Do the first description sound like a Seb Cyst?
Please Help
Seb cyst are very common in that area. I have one on my back. If it gets to large your going to have it lanced or drained at least. Let your gyne know about it so they can look at it to be sure. Nuva ring is to new for me to know much about it. But if it's causing u to have yeasty prob. i would change my method.
Reply:i recommend you try this cure for yeast infections
I go to the gyno for regular annual check ups. I went last Nov and they ran all test, including blood tests and my tests were clean. I am going for my annual check up on Nov 14th. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now
I am also on the Nuva Ring and those are notorious for causing yeast infections....and I think I have one right now. I have had them before so I know what they would feel like. I bought an over the counter yeast infection one day treatment
2. Do the first description sound like a Seb Cyst?
Please Help
Seb cyst are very common in that area. I have one on my back. If it gets to large your going to have it lanced or drained at least. Let your gyne know about it so they can look at it to be sure. Nuva ring is to new for me to know much about it. But if it's causing u to have yeasty prob. i would change my method.
Reply:i recommend you try this cure for yeast infections
Dark skin around previous infection!!!?
4 months ago my ear was infected (it had puss and crust and stung a lot) but now 4 months later my ear hole is black and deres a circle of darker skin aroun da hole. It doesn't sting or hurt at all but if i feel up my ear it just feels like a bump on the hole. It looks so dark people actually notice it and ask me why my skin is darker and if it was previously infected. It kinda looks scarred but i really want it to go away and does anyone know a way for my skin to be normal color again?
Dark skin around previous infection!!!?
You should probably go see a doctor. When something is going on with your body and you don't know why, then you should have it checked out by a professional. Good luck.
Dark skin around previous infection!!!?
You should probably go see a doctor. When something is going on with your body and you don't know why, then you should have it checked out by a professional. Good luck.
Reason for hospitalization on patient with staphylococcal infection on skin?
staphylococcal skin diseases
Reason for hospitalization on patient with staphylococcal infection on skin?
because it is very hard to treat and requires serious antibiotics. it spreads very quickly. not fun. it can eat away muscle tissue and do permanent damage.
Reply:To truly cure the infection requires surgical drainage by a healthcare professional.
Reply:I can't suggest about hospitalization but The surgical spirit will definitely help him. Along with Erythromycin 500mg BD if the affected part is swabbed with surgical spirit, he will be cured within 3-4 days and infection will also not spread.
Reason for hospitalization on patient with staphylococcal infection on skin?
because it is very hard to treat and requires serious antibiotics. it spreads very quickly. not fun. it can eat away muscle tissue and do permanent damage.
Reply:To truly cure the infection requires surgical drainage by a healthcare professional.
Reply:I can't suggest about hospitalization but The surgical spirit will definitely help him. Along with Erythromycin 500mg BD if the affected part is swabbed with surgical spirit, he will be cured within 3-4 days and infection will also not spread.
Is it a rash, infection, or skin disease? WHAT is it?!?
Since the day i came back form a trip from mexico my whole body has been itching. no bumps or anything has appeared but it itches a lot for no reason. is it jus bed bugs or is it an infeciton or a skin disease?
Is it a rash, infection, or skin disease? WHAT is it?!?
Did you take your own water?
Reply:Well ........
you probly have pioson ivy
Reply:its just a reaction of your body against some allergy, take some allergy medications .
Reply:take some benadryl for the itch, and maybe do a parasite cleanse, you can get the stuff from herbal places or health food places... you need to drink lots of water and clean out your body.....
Reply:no redness? add more info..
Reply:you must at least take a bath at least 2 times a day
drink lots of water and try to consult to your doc.
Reply:If it were bug bites, I should think you'd see some evidence on your skin. Since there is no change in the appearance of your skin, it may just be dryness. Try using a good moisturizing soap and lotion.
Did you get sunburned? Sometimes sun exposure can dry your skin and make it feel itchy.
Or have you used a different than usual product in your laundry since you returned? If so, go back to the old products.
Reply:It you tanned quite a bit and also spent lots of time swimming (possible in cholorinated pools), it could be that your skin is dried out. Drink lots of water and put lotion (perfume free) on the areas that itch the most.
If any sort of rash or bumps do start to appear...go see a doctor right away.
spider lily
Is it a rash, infection, or skin disease? WHAT is it?!?
Did you take your own water?
Reply:Well ........
you probly have pioson ivy
Reply:its just a reaction of your body against some allergy, take some allergy medications .
Reply:take some benadryl for the itch, and maybe do a parasite cleanse, you can get the stuff from herbal places or health food places... you need to drink lots of water and clean out your body.....
Reply:no redness? add more info..
Reply:you must at least take a bath at least 2 times a day
drink lots of water and try to consult to your doc.
Reply:If it were bug bites, I should think you'd see some evidence on your skin. Since there is no change in the appearance of your skin, it may just be dryness. Try using a good moisturizing soap and lotion.
Did you get sunburned? Sometimes sun exposure can dry your skin and make it feel itchy.
Or have you used a different than usual product in your laundry since you returned? If so, go back to the old products.
Reply:It you tanned quite a bit and also spent lots of time swimming (possible in cholorinated pools), it could be that your skin is dried out. Drink lots of water and put lotion (perfume free) on the areas that itch the most.
If any sort of rash or bumps do start to appear...go see a doctor right away.
spider lily
List three factor that protect the skin from infection?
1. resident bacteria in the skin, competing for space and resources so that the bad pathogenic bacteria can't live there and infect you
2. skin sloughing off each day gets rid of the current batches of bacteria so that they don't have too much time to grow and mutate on you
3. little bit of oil secretions on your skin is toxic to most bacteria.
4. dry skin is less hospitable to bacteria (i.e. you have more bacteria in your armpits and groin where it's moist than on your arms and legs)
2. skin sloughing off each day gets rid of the current batches of bacteria so that they don't have too much time to grow and mutate on you
3. little bit of oil secretions on your skin is toxic to most bacteria.
4. dry skin is less hospitable to bacteria (i.e. you have more bacteria in your armpits and groin where it's moist than on your arms and legs)
Is anyone familiar with a skin disease/infection that is caused by not bathing serious answers plz?
provide links and some pics plz
Is anyone familiar with a skin disease/infection that is caused by not bathing serious answers plz?
Reply:sure there a lot of things, being more specific would make it easier to answer....however, most skin rashes are typically thought to come from just not being clean. this is not the case. they can most certainly occur this way, but its what is around you also. you have to think about what you may have come in contact with even briefly. mites can come in all different shapes and sizes. being named to skin irritations such as lice, scabies and a whole assortment of other names. you need to do some reading and determine all your symptoms and really try to narrow down what exactly they are....
Is anyone familiar with a skin disease/infection that is caused by not bathing serious answers plz?
Reply:sure there a lot of things, being more specific would make it easier to answer....however, most skin rashes are typically thought to come from just not being clean. this is not the case. they can most certainly occur this way, but its what is around you also. you have to think about what you may have come in contact with even briefly. mites can come in all different shapes and sizes. being named to skin irritations such as lice, scabies and a whole assortment of other names. you need to do some reading and determine all your symptoms and really try to narrow down what exactly they are....
Does a viral infection cause skin rashes?
we live in a foreign country and my daughter's medical care isnt so great. we have had alot of problems in the past, most recently was today. he has come down with a horrible rash, after taking her to a doctor they said its a throat viral infection that caused the rash. ive never heard of a viral infection causing a rash but maybe i am wrong i am not a dr. by no means. but would like some other opinion before her health is jeopardized again.
Does a viral infection cause skin rashes?
Yes, a viral infection can cause a rash...measles, rubella, rubeola, strep, etc. can all cause rashes.
Reply:Yes. It can in certain instances.
Reply:the doctor said that the viral infection caused the rash.....and you do not believe should see another doctor....why? because this is yahoo and your did not give the type of one can answer without REAL information.
Reply:Yes it can
Reply:I know it sounds strange, but yes viral infections can cause skin rashes. I get them a few days after the onset of a viral infection. It is usually a sprinkling of small red pin size bumps on my neck, chest, and sometimes abdomen.
It has a name, Scarlatina. I've been told by my best friend in the whole wide world, who just happens to be a nurse(RN), that it is simply your body just breaking down the viral byproducts.
Reply:Yes it is I have twins and they have had these viral skin infections with a cold and it's just that a virus on the skin. You just have to wait it out but if she has an infection in the throat it could be signs of strph throat that can also cause a skin rash , so I guess a second opinion couldn't hurt. If she is running a fever I would definately take her for a second opinion but yea it can be a viral skin rash. Good luck
Reply:Yes they can. My son had fifths disease. That's a viral infection that is a rash. It looked like a webby kind of rash all over his face.
Reply:my son got a viral infection/rash all over his body from an ear infection-he was antibiotics but had to be put on a new one b/c usually when that happens the antibiotic stops working-depends on how hg the fever is-when it gets to be over 102 its usually coming from somewhere-ears,throat or lungs for ex
Reply:Viral infections can absolutely cause rashed. Measles, chicken pox, there are several viruses that commonly cause rashes, and several others that do occasionally. Strep is a virus that causes rashes quite often, too.
lucky nuts
Does a viral infection cause skin rashes?
Yes, a viral infection can cause a rash...measles, rubella, rubeola, strep, etc. can all cause rashes.
Reply:Yes. It can in certain instances.
Reply:the doctor said that the viral infection caused the rash.....and you do not believe should see another doctor....why? because this is yahoo and your did not give the type of one can answer without REAL information.
Reply:Yes it can
Reply:I know it sounds strange, but yes viral infections can cause skin rashes. I get them a few days after the onset of a viral infection. It is usually a sprinkling of small red pin size bumps on my neck, chest, and sometimes abdomen.
It has a name, Scarlatina. I've been told by my best friend in the whole wide world, who just happens to be a nurse(RN), that it is simply your body just breaking down the viral byproducts.
Reply:Yes it is I have twins and they have had these viral skin infections with a cold and it's just that a virus on the skin. You just have to wait it out but if she has an infection in the throat it could be signs of strph throat that can also cause a skin rash , so I guess a second opinion couldn't hurt. If she is running a fever I would definately take her for a second opinion but yea it can be a viral skin rash. Good luck
Reply:Yes they can. My son had fifths disease. That's a viral infection that is a rash. It looked like a webby kind of rash all over his face.
Reply:my son got a viral infection/rash all over his body from an ear infection-he was antibiotics but had to be put on a new one b/c usually when that happens the antibiotic stops working-depends on how hg the fever is-when it gets to be over 102 its usually coming from somewhere-ears,throat or lungs for ex
Reply:Viral infections can absolutely cause rashed. Measles, chicken pox, there are several viruses that commonly cause rashes, and several others that do occasionally. Strep is a virus that causes rashes quite often, too.
lucky nuts
How do I cure skin yeast infection? It's spreading on the fingers of my right hand.. HELP.?
My son had this. We had to keep his hands very clean at all times and very dry. We applied Lamisil to it like 2-3 times a day, for about 14, or until it was gone. We also used tea tree oil one time. It worked as well. Persistence is the key. Even when it's getting better, keeping applying it until it's completly gone. Good luck and God bless!
How do I cure skin yeast infection? It's spreading on the fingers of my right hand.. HELP.?
stop touching it!
Reply:You can probably use the same cream that women use for vaginal yeast infection, such as Monostat. You can get over the counter.See if that will help. If not, see a dermatologist.
Reply:How do you know it is a yeast infection? If you have actually been diagnosed, you should have received a prescription.
For yeast infections on the skin, use Micatin. It is an over the counter antifungal and is WAY cheaper than Monistat. It comes in a small tube, which is all you should really need. Put it on once in the morning after you shower and once at night.
Reply:I saw that have to use Fire..and lots of it!!
How do I cure skin yeast infection? It's spreading on the fingers of my right hand.. HELP.?
stop touching it!
Reply:You can probably use the same cream that women use for vaginal yeast infection, such as Monostat. You can get over the counter.See if that will help. If not, see a dermatologist.
Reply:How do you know it is a yeast infection? If you have actually been diagnosed, you should have received a prescription.
For yeast infections on the skin, use Micatin. It is an over the counter antifungal and is WAY cheaper than Monistat. It comes in a small tube, which is all you should really need. Put it on once in the morning after you shower and once at night.
Reply:I saw that have to use Fire..and lots of it!!
What does the skin staph infection called MRSA look like?
MRSA is a rapidly developing bacterial infection that is far more painfull than an ordinary sting.The slow but incesant aproach of pain can be accompanied by sepsis and colitis.If you think you have a rapidly developing staff infection it is important to treat early..See a Dr you have a serious problem.Folklor will have you place bacitracin on a penny applicator on your way to the hospital.
What does the skin staph infection called MRSA look like?
Initially, it looks like a spider bite, pimples, or boils. Once it sets in, an abscess forms which looks like any other abscess.
Reply:Symptoms of MRSA will vary. This is dependant upon which area of the body is affected with the mrsa or staph infection.
The most common symptom of MRSA presents as a skin infection. Very often this appears as an abscess or perhaps a boil. Many look like a spider bite. If MRSA has infected a surgical or accidental wound, the symptom of the surrounding area would be painful and red in colour with swelling and pus.
Urinary tract infections and bacteraemia (blood poisoning) can also be caused by MRSA infection. One of the worst infections is when staph bacteria enter the lungs and cause pneumonia. The symptom of this infection are normally a high fever and difficulty in breathing.
Staph infection can in certain cases, result what people call a "flesh eating bug" type of bacterium being developed. These bacterium are called "necrotizing fasciitis" but are very rare. "Flesh eating bacterium" however, is not correct. The bacterium do not actually consume the tissue. They actually cause the destruction of skin and muscle by releasing toxins (virulence factors). These include streptococcal pyogenic exotoxins and other virulence factors. S. pyogenes produces an exotoxin known as a superantigen. This toxin is capable of activating T-cells non-specifically. This causes the overproduction of cytokines that over-stimulate macrophages. The macrophages cause the actual tissue damage by releasing oxygen free radicals.
Staphylococcus aureus has been rapidly spreading world-wide and certain strains have become drug resistant to many antibiotics. This seems on course to become an even greater problem in the future. Some researchers and reporters have suggested an enormous growth in the next few years, as medications become more difficult to find.
MRSA symptoms can vary and are usually spread by contact with contaminated items or people. Dependant upon the strain, some are fully treatable while others may cause concern to life. Hospitals, Gymnasiums, Care Homes, Nursing Homes, in fact, anywhere where contact may be shared with other people or items, are the most likely places to contract a staph infection
MRSA and its resistance to over used antibiotics, makes it a serious and sometimes very difficult to treat problem, especially in people who have a weakened immune system.
MRSA is now resistant to these antibiotics;
This is dependent upon strain but Staph aureus is very adaptive to forming new resistance to any antibiotic.
Many people are reporting that sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 is being prescribed by many Doctors to treat the symptoms of MRSA. Unfortunately, this drug has many bad side effects. It can cause fatigue, withdrawal, loss of appetite, soreness in joints, headaches and stomach sickness.
As with all drugs, the side-effects can actually cause more problems and contribute to the resistance level of the bacteria, where the treatment is discontinued because of disabilitating side effects.
The New Silver Solution has no toxicity and no known side effects. It is also a fact that no bacterium has ever been recorded in having or developing a resistance to a metallic mineral element.
What does the skin staph infection called MRSA look like?
Initially, it looks like a spider bite, pimples, or boils. Once it sets in, an abscess forms which looks like any other abscess.
Reply:Symptoms of MRSA will vary. This is dependant upon which area of the body is affected with the mrsa or staph infection.
The most common symptom of MRSA presents as a skin infection. Very often this appears as an abscess or perhaps a boil. Many look like a spider bite. If MRSA has infected a surgical or accidental wound, the symptom of the surrounding area would be painful and red in colour with swelling and pus.
Urinary tract infections and bacteraemia (blood poisoning) can also be caused by MRSA infection. One of the worst infections is when staph bacteria enter the lungs and cause pneumonia. The symptom of this infection are normally a high fever and difficulty in breathing.
Staph infection can in certain cases, result what people call a "flesh eating bug" type of bacterium being developed. These bacterium are called "necrotizing fasciitis" but are very rare. "Flesh eating bacterium" however, is not correct. The bacterium do not actually consume the tissue. They actually cause the destruction of skin and muscle by releasing toxins (virulence factors). These include streptococcal pyogenic exotoxins and other virulence factors. S. pyogenes produces an exotoxin known as a superantigen. This toxin is capable of activating T-cells non-specifically. This causes the overproduction of cytokines that over-stimulate macrophages. The macrophages cause the actual tissue damage by releasing oxygen free radicals.
Staphylococcus aureus has been rapidly spreading world-wide and certain strains have become drug resistant to many antibiotics. This seems on course to become an even greater problem in the future. Some researchers and reporters have suggested an enormous growth in the next few years, as medications become more difficult to find.
MRSA symptoms can vary and are usually spread by contact with contaminated items or people. Dependant upon the strain, some are fully treatable while others may cause concern to life. Hospitals, Gymnasiums, Care Homes, Nursing Homes, in fact, anywhere where contact may be shared with other people or items, are the most likely places to contract a staph infection
MRSA and its resistance to over used antibiotics, makes it a serious and sometimes very difficult to treat problem, especially in people who have a weakened immune system.
MRSA is now resistant to these antibiotics;
This is dependent upon strain but Staph aureus is very adaptive to forming new resistance to any antibiotic.
Many people are reporting that sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 is being prescribed by many Doctors to treat the symptoms of MRSA. Unfortunately, this drug has many bad side effects. It can cause fatigue, withdrawal, loss of appetite, soreness in joints, headaches and stomach sickness.
As with all drugs, the side-effects can actually cause more problems and contribute to the resistance level of the bacteria, where the treatment is discontinued because of disabilitating side effects.
The New Silver Solution has no toxicity and no known side effects. It is also a fact that no bacterium has ever been recorded in having or developing a resistance to a metallic mineral element.
Skin (staph) infection history...tampons safe?
I have a history of staph infections and folliculitis on my inner thighs. I've always worn pads, but am seriously contemplating switching to tampons or the menstrual cup. But I'm kind of scared because I understand that TSS is caused by the staph bacteria. I also have moderate-heavy flows and the infections flare up every couple of months. What do you think: should I even risk it?
Skin (staph) infection history...tampons safe?
I would NOT suggest you use them, AT ALL!
Dr. Dawn
Reply:I would say no. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Skin (staph) infection history...tampons safe?
I would NOT suggest you use them, AT ALL!
Dr. Dawn
Reply:I would say no. It's better to be safe than sorry.
What is wrong with my Savannah Monitors skin?? Is it an infection?
My monitor had a small indention on it's back when I got it like a little black crater I thought it was a scar. Now it's grown in size from smaller than a dime to now a irregular two quarters together. The skin was dark and VERY hard I noticed it was peeling a bit and once off that the skin underneath it is totally pink and raw. I've also noticed he has a bluish/pinkish discoloration peeling on his shoulders as well just above this spot. Does anyone know if this is some sort of infection and if it is rough ideas on how much I can expect to spend on treatment as well as a prognosis? I would like to know what could cause this and why it's gotten worse now than when he came to me (he was found in someone's backyard and I sort of ended up adopting him) He has a great cage, good water supply soaking tub, heating pad that gives him no problems at all on his belly and I have a heat lamp about 3 feet above him...any help or suggestions would be wonderful!! PLEASE HELP BIG CY
What is wrong with my Savannah Monitors skin?? Is it an infection?
It sounds like a fungal infection, or maybe the result of lighting or heating burns. I t could possibly be problems from a vitamin deficiency. A vet that does reptiles could take care of any of those problems.
I would expect to pay in the $50 neighborhood for a vet visit.
Good luck
Reply:You might want to clarify what "your Savannah Monitor" is.
Some sort of animal?
Good luck, just thought you'd get better/ more answers if you were more clear.
What is wrong with my Savannah Monitors skin?? Is it an infection?
It sounds like a fungal infection, or maybe the result of lighting or heating burns. I t could possibly be problems from a vitamin deficiency. A vet that does reptiles could take care of any of those problems.
I would expect to pay in the $50 neighborhood for a vet visit.
Good luck
Reply:You might want to clarify what "your Savannah Monitor" is.
Some sort of animal?
Good luck, just thought you'd get better/ more answers if you were more clear.
To those who had a dog with severe malassezia pachydermatis(Skin yeast infection..)?
When my vet said my dog had flea allergies, she also said that he had a yeast infection, though didn't help me out much with what to give him. She just said antifungal meds.. Is there any kind of human pills that can help, and maybe shampoo? I've read that there are certain things that help, but I've only been able to find it in a brand of dandruff shampoo. I can't use creams because he's got it damn near all over his body. So, any one got some suggestions for shampoo and oral medications? I know of one little 'set' I can buy online, but I can't afford that.
To those who had a dog with severe malassezia pachydermatis(Skin yeast infection..)?
Our vet uses Monostat or Lotrimin on skin yeast infections. He uses the Monostat on younger smaller dogs, but lets the older dogs use Lotrimin. I am not sure what chemical is actually in them, you can look up the ingredients to see.
There is an oral antifungal, but he doesn't use it very often at all.
Reply:My Basset Hound has this problem. His vet isn't sure exactly what he's allergic to, but it does only occur in the summer months. When Woody (My Basset Hound) gets a skin infection, we give him some Human benedryl. You will need to run this by your vet though, because you can't give your dog too much, it goes based on the size of the dog. But Benedryl has really helped Woody. Also he gets a cream from the vet.
Reply:my maltese has that and the vet perscribet spray and pills. it really works. ask your vet for genta ved topical spray, and baytril (pills).
Reply:Hope this helps:
Also,you should give your dog daily vitamins to help build up his immune system. You can simply go to Walmart and buy a bottle of Fish Oil pills, Vitamin E %26amp; Vitamin C pills. They can swallow gel caps easily, just put it in the back of his mouth. All the expensive pet supplements that are sold are human grade so giving him supplements from the vitamin aisle at Walmart is perfectly safe. I give them to my dogs. Also my parents have a dog fighting mange and the supplements have helped him tremendously.
Good Luck =)
Reply:when my pit bull had this, his vet gave him a steriod shot and also pills...the shot clears him up right away.
Reply:Your vet can prescribe an oral medication called Ketoconazole,and a good shampoo is Malaseb.You can also try over the counter athlete's foot powder or spray,containing Miconazole.Put it all over the dog 's skin and see if it helps.It's very safe,and poorly absorbed if ingested,so it won't hurt for the dog to lick it off. Good luck.
To those who had a dog with severe malassezia pachydermatis(Skin yeast infection..)?
Our vet uses Monostat or Lotrimin on skin yeast infections. He uses the Monostat on younger smaller dogs, but lets the older dogs use Lotrimin. I am not sure what chemical is actually in them, you can look up the ingredients to see.
There is an oral antifungal, but he doesn't use it very often at all.
Reply:My Basset Hound has this problem. His vet isn't sure exactly what he's allergic to, but it does only occur in the summer months. When Woody (My Basset Hound) gets a skin infection, we give him some Human benedryl. You will need to run this by your vet though, because you can't give your dog too much, it goes based on the size of the dog. But Benedryl has really helped Woody. Also he gets a cream from the vet.
Reply:my maltese has that and the vet perscribet spray and pills. it really works. ask your vet for genta ved topical spray, and baytril (pills).
Reply:Hope this helps:
Also,you should give your dog daily vitamins to help build up his immune system. You can simply go to Walmart and buy a bottle of Fish Oil pills, Vitamin E %26amp; Vitamin C pills. They can swallow gel caps easily, just put it in the back of his mouth. All the expensive pet supplements that are sold are human grade so giving him supplements from the vitamin aisle at Walmart is perfectly safe. I give them to my dogs. Also my parents have a dog fighting mange and the supplements have helped him tremendously.
Good Luck =)
Reply:when my pit bull had this, his vet gave him a steriod shot and also pills...the shot clears him up right away.
Reply:Your vet can prescribe an oral medication called Ketoconazole,and a good shampoo is Malaseb.You can also try over the counter athlete's foot powder or spray,containing Miconazole.Put it all over the dog 's skin and see if it helps.It's very safe,and poorly absorbed if ingested,so it won't hurt for the dog to lick it off. Good luck.
Is there any cream i can take for a skin staph infection?
I'm pretty much allergic to ALL antibiotics.
The docs put me on clindamycin and it almost killed me this week. (anaphylacic shock)
Is there a cream on the market that will help? I refuse to ever take another antibiotic after this scare,but i'd really like to get rid of this skin staph.
Is there any cream i can take for a skin staph infection?
try tea tree oil and staph ceptic you can get them both at walgreens. staph ceptic is for treating boils caused by staph that is non responsive to antibiotics and tea tree oil is all natural it is from austrailia you just dab it on with cotton ball. but the most part is to be sure and bath with an antibacterial soap and never reuse a hand towel or let anyone share a hand towel with you staph is very very hard to get rid of so the best cure is to keep yourself extremely clean and bath after certain activities inwhich you sweat. even adult activities are subject to the spread of staph. so be very carefull and good luck...
The docs put me on clindamycin and it almost killed me this week. (anaphylacic shock)
Is there a cream on the market that will help? I refuse to ever take another antibiotic after this scare,but i'd really like to get rid of this skin staph.
Is there any cream i can take for a skin staph infection?
try tea tree oil and staph ceptic you can get them both at walgreens. staph ceptic is for treating boils caused by staph that is non responsive to antibiotics and tea tree oil is all natural it is from austrailia you just dab it on with cotton ball. but the most part is to be sure and bath with an antibacterial soap and never reuse a hand towel or let anyone share a hand towel with you staph is very very hard to get rid of so the best cure is to keep yourself extremely clean and bath after certain activities inwhich you sweat. even adult activities are subject to the spread of staph. so be very carefull and good luck...
Weird skin growth/infection?
My boyfriend has had an odd growth on his face for a couple weeks. At first we thought is was a bad pimple...then, we thought, an infection. But after lots of waiting %26amp; using antibacterial cream, the growth is not getting better. He went to the doctor today and the doctor said is it some weird named growth, and he will have to get it surgically removed. I think this is a bit extreme, especially since the doc said that "this type of thing can occur out of nowhere." The growth looks like a pimple, is flaky, scabby, and secretes pus. I'm worried that he has to go to a plasic surgeon - sounds serious. Should we get a second opinion? What could this be?
Weird skin growth/infection?
be glad its a plastic surgeon operating on his face. a good dermatologist also can do the job.
skin growths cysts fibroids of all sorts are actually pretty common. as is getting them removed.
its no big deal. so don't panic.
and since you didn't give the name of which one it is.. its hard to comment on any of them..
but,again don't worry its a simple procedure.
Reply:the doctor knows what hes doing.
Reply:its a Cist
there common..a general surgeon can remove them
Reply:It's an alien cut it off as soon as you can before it reproduces!!!!!!
Reply:Sounds like some kind of cyst. People get them all the time. Sometimes they come back.
Reply:Some people get acne in the form of pustules, which fit the description you just mentioned. Some people get it surgically removed before it scars the face too much. He should probably go on antibiotics in the form of pills. Could be something internal causing the problem.
Reply:well it needs to be removed regardless i mean you cab get a 2nd opinion...but it needs to be done quickly ...not trying to scare you but i mean it needs to be cut off %26amp; have a biopsy done on it to see what it is
Reply:No need to go to a plastic surgeon, but you do need to get to a dermatologist. It could get worse, so do it now.
Reply:Its not a melanoma is it? It comes up like a freckle and can grow and has to be taken off. I also could be an ingrown hair and may require surgery to remove it to prevent any other problems.
Try going onto this web-page it has all the information you need about this skin condition. When it comes to surgery I would always go for a second opinion, but you must see a dermatologist(skin specialist)!
Weird skin growth/infection?
be glad its a plastic surgeon operating on his face. a good dermatologist also can do the job.
skin growths cysts fibroids of all sorts are actually pretty common. as is getting them removed.
its no big deal. so don't panic.
and since you didn't give the name of which one it is.. its hard to comment on any of them..
but,again don't worry its a simple procedure.
Reply:the doctor knows what hes doing.
Reply:its a Cist
there common..a general surgeon can remove them
Reply:It's an alien cut it off as soon as you can before it reproduces!!!!!!
Reply:Sounds like some kind of cyst. People get them all the time. Sometimes they come back.
Reply:Some people get acne in the form of pustules, which fit the description you just mentioned. Some people get it surgically removed before it scars the face too much. He should probably go on antibiotics in the form of pills. Could be something internal causing the problem.
Reply:well it needs to be removed regardless i mean you cab get a 2nd opinion...but it needs to be done quickly ...not trying to scare you but i mean it needs to be cut off %26amp; have a biopsy done on it to see what it is
Reply:No need to go to a plastic surgeon, but you do need to get to a dermatologist. It could get worse, so do it now.
Reply:Its not a melanoma is it? It comes up like a freckle and can grow and has to be taken off. I also could be an ingrown hair and may require surgery to remove it to prevent any other problems.
Try going onto this web-page it has all the information you need about this skin condition. When it comes to surgery I would always go for a second opinion, but you must see a dermatologist(skin specialist)!
My dog has staph infection of the skin, is there anything besides anitbiotics that will treat it?
my dog has a staph infection of the skin. her vet gave her antibiotics for two weeks, after she was done with that 2weeks later it started coming back again. now she has large open circular sores, scaling of her skin, horrible itching and odor. shes miserable and i have no money right now. her vet says only perscription anitbiotics will work. is there anyone out there that may have a natural remedy for this or something that doesn't cost $200?
My dog has staph infection of the skin, is there anything besides anitbiotics that will treat it?
Can you buy some antiseptic powder from a pharmacy? We had a dog that used to get into fights and we found this powder and treated his wounds with it. It was painless for the dog and he was back to his old self in no time.
Reply:usually staph infections of the skin are treated with keflex for at least 10 days, she may have something else going on that needs to be reevaluated. i dont know if this will work, but you may be able to get some tea tree oil from the health food store, and put a few drops in a gallon of water and pour over her. tea tree oil is good for the skin it has antibacteriol properties. but she should really get back to vet as soon as you can.
Reply:For the sake of your dog's well-being, you need to follow the advice of your vet. Dog's are expensive and when you got the dog, you made a choice and that choice included caring for the dog when it got sick, medical care is expensive, both for animals and humans. This shouldn't come as any surprise. Find the money and go to the vet or find a home for your dog where they can care for him.
My dog has staph infection of the skin, is there anything besides anitbiotics that will treat it?
Can you buy some antiseptic powder from a pharmacy? We had a dog that used to get into fights and we found this powder and treated his wounds with it. It was painless for the dog and he was back to his old self in no time.
Reply:usually staph infections of the skin are treated with keflex for at least 10 days, she may have something else going on that needs to be reevaluated. i dont know if this will work, but you may be able to get some tea tree oil from the health food store, and put a few drops in a gallon of water and pour over her. tea tree oil is good for the skin it has antibacteriol properties. but she should really get back to vet as soon as you can.
Reply:For the sake of your dog's well-being, you need to follow the advice of your vet. Dog's are expensive and when you got the dog, you made a choice and that choice included caring for the dog when it got sick, medical care is expensive, both for animals and humans. This shouldn't come as any surprise. Find the money and go to the vet or find a home for your dog where they can care for him.
Where can i find free and simple in-services on fall prevention, infection control and skin care.?
i need free and simple inservices for an "all staff" inservice with a quiz on fall and accident prevention, skin care, and infection prevention in a long term care facility.
all staff means nurses, aides, housekeeping, and dietary staff. pictures and simple lanquage if a plus. help!!
Where can i find free and simple in-services on fall prevention, infection control and skin care.?
You should be able to get some fall and accident prevention information from your local safety board (Workmans safety board in Ontario). As far as skin care, a pharmaceutical and medical supply company may have info, and your local board of health or local hospital for infection control.
Reply:If you are the US contact the nearest OSHA regional office. They will connect you with a source
all staff means nurses, aides, housekeeping, and dietary staff. pictures and simple lanquage if a plus. help!!
Where can i find free and simple in-services on fall prevention, infection control and skin care.?
You should be able to get some fall and accident prevention information from your local safety board (Workmans safety board in Ontario). As far as skin care, a pharmaceutical and medical supply company may have info, and your local board of health or local hospital for infection control.
Reply:If you are the US contact the nearest OSHA regional office. They will connect you with a source
My 8 year old daughter is on her 4th lot of oral antibiotics (penicillen & fluoxicillen) for a skin infection?
I have noticed that a few of her usually normal teeth look very yellow with white spots on them. is this caused by the antibiotics?
My 8 year old daughter is on her 4th lot of oral antibiotics (penicillen %26amp; fluoxicillen) for a skin infection?
I would suggest that it might be bad prescribing! The teeth damage will have come from the antibiotics too. I've seen this many times in my practice as a homoeopath where GPs repeat endless prescriptions for skin infections which are poorly diagnosed. Just a thought. Take her to a homoeopath who will be able to address both the problem + the overprescribing of antibiotics which will have laid her low. Go to to find a local practitioner who will be able to help you.
Reply:not sure about the teeth, but have they cultured the skin infection to find out what it is sensitive to? 4 is a lot of antibiotics to give. make sure she is taking something like natural live youghourt to help revent thrush.
Reply:If you think you have the slightest problem with a medicine then go and see your doctor strait away, even if you have to stand there and insult the receptionist who says you need an appointment , if the child is reacting oddly then it needs looking at , at the least phone the doctor.
Reply:Is her tongue spotted? if so it may be oral thrush. You could go back to the G.P for a treatment but natural LIVE yogurt is best... mix in some jam if she doesn't like the taste.
I'm a bit concerned about the amount of antibiotics your daughter is having... has the condition been swabbed? has she had blood cultures taken? if not get the GP to do them so that he is not prescribing 'blind'.
You could also point out to him/her that it is the over use of antibiotics that is causing resistant bacteria!!
Hope she's better soon. Blessings to you both.
Reply:I was led to believe, and I may be wrong, that it is only adult teeth that can be discoloured by taking antibiotics in the first year of life as my daughters adult teeth are coming through very yellow. My dentist has told me that its a sign she has very strong teeth. They need to be on very high doses of antibiotics for a prolonged period of time during the first few months of life to cause discolouration in adult teeth.
I would go back to the doctor and query it.
Reply:Definitely. Also, why so many rounds of antibiotic? After a bit they stop being effective. Check out some holistic cures for the infection or get a second doctor's opinion.
Reply:This definately sounds like the antibiotics are damaging your childs teeth. Take her to your dentist to confirm. There is a simple solution that your dentist can paint on your childs teeth to help protect them if your child is on prolonged medication. Please dont leave it too long. Antibiotics can seriously damage their teeth when taken often.
My 8 year old daughter is on her 4th lot of oral antibiotics (penicillen %26amp; fluoxicillen) for a skin infection?
I would suggest that it might be bad prescribing! The teeth damage will have come from the antibiotics too. I've seen this many times in my practice as a homoeopath where GPs repeat endless prescriptions for skin infections which are poorly diagnosed. Just a thought. Take her to a homoeopath who will be able to address both the problem + the overprescribing of antibiotics which will have laid her low. Go to to find a local practitioner who will be able to help you.
Reply:not sure about the teeth, but have they cultured the skin infection to find out what it is sensitive to? 4 is a lot of antibiotics to give. make sure she is taking something like natural live youghourt to help revent thrush.
Reply:If you think you have the slightest problem with a medicine then go and see your doctor strait away, even if you have to stand there and insult the receptionist who says you need an appointment , if the child is reacting oddly then it needs looking at , at the least phone the doctor.
Reply:Is her tongue spotted? if so it may be oral thrush. You could go back to the G.P for a treatment but natural LIVE yogurt is best... mix in some jam if she doesn't like the taste.
I'm a bit concerned about the amount of antibiotics your daughter is having... has the condition been swabbed? has she had blood cultures taken? if not get the GP to do them so that he is not prescribing 'blind'.
You could also point out to him/her that it is the over use of antibiotics that is causing resistant bacteria!!
Hope she's better soon. Blessings to you both.
Reply:I was led to believe, and I may be wrong, that it is only adult teeth that can be discoloured by taking antibiotics in the first year of life as my daughters adult teeth are coming through very yellow. My dentist has told me that its a sign she has very strong teeth. They need to be on very high doses of antibiotics for a prolonged period of time during the first few months of life to cause discolouration in adult teeth.
I would go back to the doctor and query it.
Reply:Definitely. Also, why so many rounds of antibiotic? After a bit they stop being effective. Check out some holistic cures for the infection or get a second doctor's opinion.
Reply:This definately sounds like the antibiotics are damaging your childs teeth. Take her to your dentist to confirm. There is a simple solution that your dentist can paint on your childs teeth to help protect them if your child is on prolonged medication. Please dont leave it too long. Antibiotics can seriously damage their teeth when taken often.
What is the function of hair on genital organs? Is it safe to remove them to avoid skin infection?
It keeps things warm. The genitals need a comfortable temperature. The male the most because if the testicles become too cold they go up and sperm count goes down and if they are too hot (for example a hot tup) the sperm count also goes down. Many men in the 80s experienced infertility problems because the fashion was tight jeans and it kept their testicles too close to their body so the body heat lowered their sperm count. You can removed it now days and not worry. People remove the hair down there all the time for many reasons.
What is the function of hair on genital organs? Is it safe to remove them to avoid skin infection?
it keeps the dust out
Reply:The hair is supposed to give the area some protection against the cold, similar to the furn coat of an animal. It's probably not as necessay now as it was back in the caveman days when clothing was less advanced.
Reply:I asume you are just talking about pubic hair. Its function is to keep dirt and desease away from the openings and crevices that are in your genitals, and prevent you from getting sick. I know a lot of people shave them, but I would think that God put that hair there for a reason so it would be best to leave it alone, I also heard that if you shave it it is very uncomfortable when it starts growing back and itches a lot. I guess it's up to you,but I would aska doctor if you think you have a skin infection on your genitals.
Reply:Its nature's gift. They are meant for keeping our delicate genital organ safe. Moreover, it looks beauty with hair........!
star of bethlehem
What is the function of hair on genital organs? Is it safe to remove them to avoid skin infection?
it keeps the dust out
Reply:The hair is supposed to give the area some protection against the cold, similar to the furn coat of an animal. It's probably not as necessay now as it was back in the caveman days when clothing was less advanced.
Reply:I asume you are just talking about pubic hair. Its function is to keep dirt and desease away from the openings and crevices that are in your genitals, and prevent you from getting sick. I know a lot of people shave them, but I would think that God put that hair there for a reason so it would be best to leave it alone, I also heard that if you shave it it is very uncomfortable when it starts growing back and itches a lot. I guess it's up to you,but I would aska doctor if you think you have a skin infection on your genitals.
Reply:Its nature's gift. They are meant for keeping our delicate genital organ safe. Moreover, it looks beauty with hair........!
star of bethlehem
Is it alright to feed my dog a food with probiotics while giving him antibiotics for a skin infection?
medicine probiotics antibiotics
Is it alright to feed my dog a food with probiotics while giving him antibiotics for a skin infection?
It is complete safe....which is your question. You may not be achieving the benefits of the probiotics, which is to provide good bacteria to the disgestive system to aid in digestion. The probiotics should not hinder the antibiotics. I would continue to feed the food with probiotics because when you are done with the antibiotics you want to make sure that the dog is still receiving the good bacteria.
If you are really concerned about the interactions contact your vet because they should know the side effects of the antibiotics.
Reply:Given that a dog will put just about anything in his mouth, aren't the probiotics redundant in the first place?
Reply:I'd suggest you call your vet just to make sure----sometimes antibiotics can be funny and react with other things. Get the vet on the phone just to double check before you proceed with feeding your dog with that type of food. Good luck!!
Reply:It makes more sense to give the probiotics AFTER the antibiotic treatment or at the very least a completely different time of day.
Many antibiotics will wipe out the friendly bacteria before it really even gets colonized in the gut
Reply:ask your vet
Is it alright to feed my dog a food with probiotics while giving him antibiotics for a skin infection?
It is complete safe....which is your question. You may not be achieving the benefits of the probiotics, which is to provide good bacteria to the disgestive system to aid in digestion. The probiotics should not hinder the antibiotics. I would continue to feed the food with probiotics because when you are done with the antibiotics you want to make sure that the dog is still receiving the good bacteria.
If you are really concerned about the interactions contact your vet because they should know the side effects of the antibiotics.
Reply:Given that a dog will put just about anything in his mouth, aren't the probiotics redundant in the first place?
Reply:I'd suggest you call your vet just to make sure----sometimes antibiotics can be funny and react with other things. Get the vet on the phone just to double check before you proceed with feeding your dog with that type of food. Good luck!!
Reply:It makes more sense to give the probiotics AFTER the antibiotic treatment or at the very least a completely different time of day.
Many antibiotics will wipe out the friendly bacteria before it really even gets colonized in the gut
Reply:ask your vet
Did any anyone have itchy vagina skin and no infection durning pregnancy?
ive been to the doctor many times for this ,i dont have an infection ot std i just got really itchy vagina skin ,when im at home it itchy alot more ,when i go to places its like it is itchy less,its been happening since the day my whole pregnacy and im 15 weeks already ,what is wrong ,it bothers me ,im trying that vagisal cream it works alittle bit....
Did any anyone have itchy vagina skin and no infection durning pregnancy?
try to wear cotton undies
or change detergent ur skin might be extra sensitive even if it wasent b4
Did any anyone have itchy vagina skin and no infection durning pregnancy?
try to wear cotton undies
or change detergent ur skin might be extra sensitive even if it wasent b4
I have been prescribed Diflucan for the 3rd time in 6 months-is this the same skin infection or a new one?
And if it's probably not the same, WHY do I keep getting this rash on my scalp? I have seen a dermatologist three times...he said some people are more sensitive than others...but I want a permanent cure!
I have been prescribed Diflucan for the 3rd time in 6 months-is this the same skin infection or a new one?
Hi sugarlove, you should try some natural remedies rather than applying strong medications to cure your scalp problem! Make sure you massage your scalp with some oil followed by some antiseptic solution like dettol (diluted) before you shower and wash your hair using a mild shampoo! Avoid scratching though this is easier said than done! You can use a soft comb whenever you feel like scratching and smoothly comb your hair!
Godspeed permanent cure!
Reply:Hello! Are you sure it's Diflucan what you've taken? I'm asking because I know that Diflucan is usually taken for fungal infections.
Check this info:
Diflucan is an antifungal medication. It is used to treat fungal infections.
• Diflucan is used to treat yeast infections of the mouth, throat, and esophagus; vaginal yeast infections; fungal urinary tract infections; pneumonia caused by yeast; and fungal infections throughout the whole body and in the blood. Diflucan is also used to prevent fungal infections from occurring in people with suppressed immune systems such as cancer chemotherapy patients, organ transplant patients, and AIDS patients.
• Diflucan may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide
Did your doctor told you that your rash was caused by a fungal infection? If it is, usually Diflucan works well in just 1 dose.
Maybe you should ask your doctor for a different treatment? Are you using harsh products on your hair? This could affect your scalp also.
You could also consider a 2nd opinion, ask another doctor if the one you're consulting is not helping. Good Luck! YT
Reply:There is probably no such thing as a 'cure' per say.
I would strongly recommend you do a google search on "GlycoNutrition". Did I mention that I just happen to work with the company which pioneered the science?
Reply:Please see the webpage for more details on Diflucan (anti-fungal drug) and Seborrheic dermatitis.
Reply:My rash (in other areas) was diagnosed to be one of the many skin conditions caused by candida (yeast) fungus. I can use antifungal powder or cream and it goes away, but as soon as I stop, it comes back.
Long term, I am ridding my body of yeast (actually I can't as it lives in the intestines - but it can be controlled and balanced), by diet and herbal supplements. has some more info on yeast infestations.
For your scalp, find a shampoo that has selenium in it. According to the books I have been reading, that acts as an antifungal for the scalp.
Reply:I would suggest taking acidopholis (an herbal supplement that restores your body's natural flora and keeps excessive yeast at bay). I take this when I start an antibiotic and it keeps me from getting the yeast infections I am prone to getting. I also eat a lot of yogurt that contains "Live Cultures or Active Cultures". These both will maintain the right balance of yeast and flora in your body.
Another thing that works well is Nizoral shampoo. It is made with ketoconozole, the stuff used to kill yeast. My boyfriend gets yeast spots on his skin and uses this shampoo twice a week as a body wash and he has not had yeast spots in over 6 months now.
Taking Diflucan that many times in that short period of time can't be good for your liver. I would definitely suggest taking the acidipholus and eating yogurt, along with washing with Nizoral shampoo a few times a week.
Good luck to you!
I have been prescribed Diflucan for the 3rd time in 6 months-is this the same skin infection or a new one?
Hi sugarlove, you should try some natural remedies rather than applying strong medications to cure your scalp problem! Make sure you massage your scalp with some oil followed by some antiseptic solution like dettol (diluted) before you shower and wash your hair using a mild shampoo! Avoid scratching though this is easier said than done! You can use a soft comb whenever you feel like scratching and smoothly comb your hair!
Godspeed permanent cure!
Reply:Hello! Are you sure it's Diflucan what you've taken? I'm asking because I know that Diflucan is usually taken for fungal infections.
Check this info:
Diflucan is an antifungal medication. It is used to treat fungal infections.
• Diflucan is used to treat yeast infections of the mouth, throat, and esophagus; vaginal yeast infections; fungal urinary tract infections; pneumonia caused by yeast; and fungal infections throughout the whole body and in the blood. Diflucan is also used to prevent fungal infections from occurring in people with suppressed immune systems such as cancer chemotherapy patients, organ transplant patients, and AIDS patients.
• Diflucan may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide
Did your doctor told you that your rash was caused by a fungal infection? If it is, usually Diflucan works well in just 1 dose.
Maybe you should ask your doctor for a different treatment? Are you using harsh products on your hair? This could affect your scalp also.
You could also consider a 2nd opinion, ask another doctor if the one you're consulting is not helping. Good Luck! YT
Reply:There is probably no such thing as a 'cure' per say.
I would strongly recommend you do a google search on "GlycoNutrition". Did I mention that I just happen to work with the company which pioneered the science?
Reply:Please see the webpage for more details on Diflucan (anti-fungal drug) and Seborrheic dermatitis.
Reply:My rash (in other areas) was diagnosed to be one of the many skin conditions caused by candida (yeast) fungus. I can use antifungal powder or cream and it goes away, but as soon as I stop, it comes back.
Long term, I am ridding my body of yeast (actually I can't as it lives in the intestines - but it can be controlled and balanced), by diet and herbal supplements. has some more info on yeast infestations.
For your scalp, find a shampoo that has selenium in it. According to the books I have been reading, that acts as an antifungal for the scalp.
Reply:I would suggest taking acidopholis (an herbal supplement that restores your body's natural flora and keeps excessive yeast at bay). I take this when I start an antibiotic and it keeps me from getting the yeast infections I am prone to getting. I also eat a lot of yogurt that contains "Live Cultures or Active Cultures". These both will maintain the right balance of yeast and flora in your body.
Another thing that works well is Nizoral shampoo. It is made with ketoconozole, the stuff used to kill yeast. My boyfriend gets yeast spots on his skin and uses this shampoo twice a week as a body wash and he has not had yeast spots in over 6 months now.
Taking Diflucan that many times in that short period of time can't be good for your liver. I would definitely suggest taking the acidipholus and eating yogurt, along with washing with Nizoral shampoo a few times a week.
Good luck to you!
Where can I get some information about a table-top UV+IR lamp for overcoming skin infection.?
what kind of skin infection it is? there a vitamin complex that rsolves most skin problems. email me if interested but have your settings allow me to reply.
Not using modern medicine is there a cure out there for Sirius's a skin infection flaky cracking itchy ?
Try Dr. Burt's skin ointment. It's this green goop that you can find just about anywhere that sells Burt's Bees products, and it works on anything. I use it on scrapes, bruises, athlete's foot, etc. Good stuff. Comes in a little green tin.
Not using modern medicine is there a cure out there for Sirius's a skin infection flaky cracking itchy ?
Did you mean psoriasis? If yes,
(you can't cure psoriasis, you can manage it)
Reply:I don't know the answer but I think it has something to do with your immune system just like the response above me. Or if you can't do the treatment, try to eat healthy and stay away from process foods and go organic or something like.
Not using modern medicine is there a cure out there for Sirius's a skin infection flaky cracking itchy ?
Did you mean psoriasis? If yes,
(you can't cure psoriasis, you can manage it)
Reply:I don't know the answer but I think it has something to do with your immune system just like the response above me. Or if you can't do the treatment, try to eat healthy and stay away from process foods and go organic or something like.
Do you know the name of an anit-fungal prescription tablet for fungal skin infection?
Do you know the name of an anit-fungal prescription tablet for fungal skin infection?
You do not take oral medication for skin fungi Clortrimazole is a good local medication.
Reply:You can use Betnovate ointment,But you will need to get it from your GP as it is only available on prescription.
Reply:well if you got athletes foot then just pee on it, thats the best way ive found to treat athletes foot anyway. the enzymes in urin kill off the fungus really well and it only costs you what ever it costs for a glass of water or 6
Reply:Please see the web pages for more details on Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is a traditional drug used to treat ringworm in both animals and man. It can be very effective, but may produce side effects
Reply:There are so many different types of fungal skin infections: vaginal candidiasis, oral thrush, athlete's foot, tinea, yeast infections, Ringworm (not a worm but a fungus), cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis, pityriasis versicolor, etc.
Depending on the type and site of the infection, there are lots of different oral medications that can be prescribed: Terbinafine (Lamisil), Itraconazole (Sporanox), Fluconazole (Diflucan), antibiotics, etc.
It's probably best that you speak to a doctor about this.
Reply:Iwould recommend Canestan
Do you know the name of an anit-fungal prescription tablet for fungal skin infection?
You do not take oral medication for skin fungi Clortrimazole is a good local medication.
Reply:You can use Betnovate ointment,But you will need to get it from your GP as it is only available on prescription.
Reply:well if you got athletes foot then just pee on it, thats the best way ive found to treat athletes foot anyway. the enzymes in urin kill off the fungus really well and it only costs you what ever it costs for a glass of water or 6
Reply:Please see the web pages for more details on Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is a traditional drug used to treat ringworm in both animals and man. It can be very effective, but may produce side effects
Reply:There are so many different types of fungal skin infections: vaginal candidiasis, oral thrush, athlete's foot, tinea, yeast infections, Ringworm (not a worm but a fungus), cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis, pityriasis versicolor, etc.
Depending on the type and site of the infection, there are lots of different oral medications that can be prescribed: Terbinafine (Lamisil), Itraconazole (Sporanox), Fluconazole (Diflucan), antibiotics, etc.
It's probably best that you speak to a doctor about this.
Reply:Iwould recommend Canestan
I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic acid?
I am taking antibiotics, but can I put salicylic acid to improve the appearance? Will it help, hurt, or do nothing?
I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic acid?
Reply:It's called a pylonidal synus, more usually found on the base of your back. Antibiotics are the answer, but if the hair is still there surgery will probably be needed to remove it.I wouldn't use anything else without consulting your Doctor.
I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic acid?
Reply:It's called a pylonidal synus, more usually found on the base of your back. Antibiotics are the answer, but if the hair is still there surgery will probably be needed to remove it.I wouldn't use anything else without consulting your Doctor.
What do you give your dog if you think he has a skin infection?
A trip to the vet to have a skin scraping done so the skin infection can be properly treated.
What are you waiting for???
What do you give your dog if you think he has a skin infection?
whatever the vet said
What are you waiting for???
What do you give your dog if you think he has a skin infection?
whatever the vet said
I have copd, and have been diagnosed with MRSA, in form of skin infection, my lungs feel weaker, is that MRSA
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus is the full name for MRSA (sometimes referred to as the 'superbug'). While it is rare to have MRSA spread to the lungs outside a hospital setting (most lung infections occur when people are on ventilators), it is still possible to get the infection in your lungs. Since you have COPD, and your lungs are not in the greatest of shape, it would be prudent to see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out pneumonia. People with lung disease have an increased risk of pneumonia, and any infection (even the common cold) can result in a devastating and potentially fatal secondary infection. MRSA is serious and must be taken seriously. You need to inform your doctor about your lung symptoms. Waiting until you are extremely ill can cost you your life. Don't procrastinate. Your lungs cannot handle normal respiratory infections, let alone one that is antibiotic resistant. Good luck, and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
I have copd, and have been diagnosed with MRSA, in form of skin infection, my lungs feel weaker, is that MRSA
go to the doctor
Reply:No, it's probably an exacerbation of the COPD. MRSA isn't really as serious as the media is making it out to be. They just treat it with different antibiotics.
Reply:MRSA is a staph infection. It can affect your entire body. Are you currently taking antibiotics? You should see a doctor if you feel that your condition is worsening rather than improving. Your feeling of weakness could be attributed in part to your body fighting off the infection. Because MRSA is very serious, and it can enter the bloodstream if not treated properly, you should go back to your doctor and have them take a look. Good luck.
I have copd, and have been diagnosed with MRSA, in form of skin infection, my lungs feel weaker, is that MRSA
go to the doctor
Reply:No, it's probably an exacerbation of the COPD. MRSA isn't really as serious as the media is making it out to be. They just treat it with different antibiotics.
Reply:MRSA is a staph infection. It can affect your entire body. Are you currently taking antibiotics? You should see a doctor if you feel that your condition is worsening rather than improving. Your feeling of weakness could be attributed in part to your body fighting off the infection. Because MRSA is very serious, and it can enter the bloodstream if not treated properly, you should go back to your doctor and have them take a look. Good luck.
Help my angel fish is sick. It has some kind of skin infection and it is not eating.?
Also it's at the surface of the water all the time but it is not gasping for air. It looks like thier is some kind of film on its head and its vanes are showing.Its in a fresh water aquarium and my angel fish is almost two years old.
Help my angel fish is sick. It has some kind of skin infection and it is not eating.?
This sounds like either a bacterial infection or a fungus; or a combination of both. The veins showing is a condition called Septicemia. The white 'film' sounds like a fungus. Septicemia is usually a sign of something else going on (probably the fungus).
Your best cure would be to get a medication called Melafix. Most pet stores sell it. It is a liquid that you add to the whole tank - I think it's about 1capful per 10 gallons; either way, the directions are on the bottle. I would be quick - fish do not generally last long once they show signs of Septicemia. Also, Angels are pretty fragile in general.
If you cannot find Melafix, look for Aquari-Sol or you can treat it with Fungus Cure and EM Tabs. In the meantime, I advise adding a couple of teaspoons of aquarium salt (if you have it) and raising the temperature of the tank a bit; this tends to slow the advance of both septicemia and fungus. Salt also helps fish "breathe" better. DO NOT use table salt or iodized salt - it needs to be aquarium salt or it will make things worse...
Also, don't use Melafix and Pimafix at the same time. It will completely obliterate your existing "good" bacteria (in your filter bed) and you will find that you have huge ammonia/nitrite spikes; which can kill other fish or seriously harm the one angel that is still recovering.
Reply:it sounds like ich, depending on how long it has been sick, it can b saved.. u need to go to the fish store and get some ich medicine and read the directions carefully and do exactly as it says.good luck
Reply:It might have 'Ick' there is a chemical you can put in the water that clears it up pretty quick. It is something that needs to be treated though- it is a fungus that grows inside and outside of them, as well as in the aquarium. You should be able to find the treatment for the water at any pet or fish store. Good luck.
Reply:I am so sorry I just lost ours last week. Anyway, did you add some salt to the water? It is a natural healing aid, and make sure she gets lots of air - try putting the air hose right next to her. Is she still swimming ok? Are there any other fish in the tank? Any new ones? Call pet smart. GOOD LUCK.
Reply:Go to the local pet store or walmart and get some Melafix and Primafix. First use the Melafix accordning to the directions. Do multiple water changes regularly and also turn up the temperatur to about 80-82 to encourage healing. If you need to you can also use the Primafix with it because they can go hand i hand to solve most problems that are bacterial, infections, diseases, etc.
Reply:kaili is right.
people! you can see little white dots if it's ich.
Reply:This usually happens when u put chlorinated water in the tank. Go to the Pet Store and get a chlorine remover and follow the directions on it.
Reply:the pet shops sell all types of medicine for fish
go to the pet shop
you should always have some on hand
Reply:you need to clean your tank out more often because there is some bacteria in the water.
you need to put him in by himself into like a gallon of water or less. take out the clorine it starves the fish of oxygen and buy some stress coat with aloe vera and leave him there for a week make sure the temp is right and there is oxygen in the water like bubbles being put in the water.
good luck little fish and God speed to you.
Help my angel fish is sick. It has some kind of skin infection and it is not eating.?
This sounds like either a bacterial infection or a fungus; or a combination of both. The veins showing is a condition called Septicemia. The white 'film' sounds like a fungus. Septicemia is usually a sign of something else going on (probably the fungus).
Your best cure would be to get a medication called Melafix. Most pet stores sell it. It is a liquid that you add to the whole tank - I think it's about 1capful per 10 gallons; either way, the directions are on the bottle. I would be quick - fish do not generally last long once they show signs of Septicemia. Also, Angels are pretty fragile in general.
If you cannot find Melafix, look for Aquari-Sol or you can treat it with Fungus Cure and EM Tabs. In the meantime, I advise adding a couple of teaspoons of aquarium salt (if you have it) and raising the temperature of the tank a bit; this tends to slow the advance of both septicemia and fungus. Salt also helps fish "breathe" better. DO NOT use table salt or iodized salt - it needs to be aquarium salt or it will make things worse...
Also, don't use Melafix and Pimafix at the same time. It will completely obliterate your existing "good" bacteria (in your filter bed) and you will find that you have huge ammonia/nitrite spikes; which can kill other fish or seriously harm the one angel that is still recovering.
Reply:it sounds like ich, depending on how long it has been sick, it can b saved.. u need to go to the fish store and get some ich medicine and read the directions carefully and do exactly as it says.good luck
Reply:It might have 'Ick' there is a chemical you can put in the water that clears it up pretty quick. It is something that needs to be treated though- it is a fungus that grows inside and outside of them, as well as in the aquarium. You should be able to find the treatment for the water at any pet or fish store. Good luck.
Reply:I am so sorry I just lost ours last week. Anyway, did you add some salt to the water? It is a natural healing aid, and make sure she gets lots of air - try putting the air hose right next to her. Is she still swimming ok? Are there any other fish in the tank? Any new ones? Call pet smart. GOOD LUCK.
Reply:Go to the local pet store or walmart and get some Melafix and Primafix. First use the Melafix accordning to the directions. Do multiple water changes regularly and also turn up the temperatur to about 80-82 to encourage healing. If you need to you can also use the Primafix with it because they can go hand i hand to solve most problems that are bacterial, infections, diseases, etc.
Reply:kaili is right.
people! you can see little white dots if it's ich.
Reply:This usually happens when u put chlorinated water in the tank. Go to the Pet Store and get a chlorine remover and follow the directions on it.
Reply:the pet shops sell all types of medicine for fish
go to the pet shop
you should always have some on hand
Reply:you need to clean your tank out more often because there is some bacteria in the water.
you need to put him in by himself into like a gallon of water or less. take out the clorine it starves the fish of oxygen and buy some stress coat with aloe vera and leave him there for a week make sure the temp is right and there is oxygen in the water like bubbles being put in the water.
good luck little fish and God speed to you.
What can is be if some one is geting a skin infection?
i have blesters in the tip of my tolls and my man is geting them on hes head arms an other
What can is be if some one is geting a skin infection?
Reply:This could be caused from a skin irritation or allergic reaction to something. Maybe the detergent, or poison ivy. Is this itchy? Does it look like a rash. Aslo this can be a form of an infection maybe athlete's foot. Do you put your feet on him? or let him play with your feet? If so, then you could have spread it to him this way, without intention. Try to use a powder on your blisters and his, such as Gold bond (TM) this may help. Use a hydrocortizone cream if there is itching so that you do not scratch the blisters causing further exposure.
umbrella tree
What can is be if some one is geting a skin infection?
Reply:This could be caused from a skin irritation or allergic reaction to something. Maybe the detergent, or poison ivy. Is this itchy? Does it look like a rash. Aslo this can be a form of an infection maybe athlete's foot. Do you put your feet on him? or let him play with your feet? If so, then you could have spread it to him this way, without intention. Try to use a powder on your blisters and his, such as Gold bond (TM) this may help. Use a hydrocortizone cream if there is itching so that you do not scratch the blisters causing further exposure.
umbrella tree
I have crohns. Now I'm coming out in a skin infection that is extremely itchy and becomes open sores. Why?
I also have crohn's. You may be having an allergic reaction to a medication. Maybe Pentasa. When I took that, I broke out in large ulcer-like sores on my legs. Check with your doctor. Good Luck.
I have crohns. Now I'm coming out in a skin infection that is extremely itchy and becomes open sores. Why?
You're Welcome. Glad I could help. Report It
Reply:Well......first off your immune system is low. Go to I have ulcerative colitis\colon cancer. Close symptoms. I have not heard of this being common. The only thing I can say is your system is weaker. I get cysts from time to time. Bathe more, change detergeant, use bacterial lotion.
Reply:Mangosteen............... contact me by email thru here and I'll lead you to an all natural and fully patented supplement that may help you. No side effects and it tastes fantastic! Clinical documentation and testimonials available.
I have crohns. Now I'm coming out in a skin infection that is extremely itchy and becomes open sores. Why?
You're Welcome. Glad I could help. Report It
Reply:Well......first off your immune system is low. Go to I have ulcerative colitis\colon cancer. Close symptoms. I have not heard of this being common. The only thing I can say is your system is weaker. I get cysts from time to time. Bathe more, change detergeant, use bacterial lotion.
Reply:Mangosteen............... contact me by email thru here and I'll lead you to an all natural and fully patented supplement that may help you. No side effects and it tastes fantastic! Clinical documentation and testimonials available.
My doc gave me 875mg for 14days for very small skin infection, is this wrong?
i hate taking too many antiobiotics.
can i take it for 10days instead?
My doc gave me 875mg for 14days for very small skin infection, is this wrong?
Depends what antibiotic it is. If the doc says take it then you should. Dont drink any booze while you're on them and finish the prescribed course;
can i take it for 10days instead?
My doc gave me 875mg for 14days for very small skin infection, is this wrong?
Depends what antibiotic it is. If the doc says take it then you should. Dont drink any booze while you're on them and finish the prescribed course;
Why do we swell when we have get an injury, skin infection or a bite?
I'm presuming it's an immune response from the body - correct me if I'm wrong - but what's the point of the the swelling?
Why do we swell when we have get an injury, skin infection or a bite?
when ever a foreign substance enters the body, the response is to 'send' an increased blood supply to the affected area, this carries with it the bodies natural defences, white blood cells, antihistamines and the natural 'bug' fighting chemicals that are part of the bodies immune system. the swelling is a protective response in that if you have pain it automatically reminds you that you ahve an injury and to look after the affected part.
Problems arise when the bodies natural defences are over whelmed by infection.
Reply:You are right it is the bodies way of protecting the injured area. It surrounds it with fluid.
Reply:The swelling is because the body is rushing fluid to that place to help with reparing the wound. It is usually a protective liquid or lump that protects the injury and stops it from getting bumped more.
It's all the bodies doing.
Reply:it stops you moving the injured part if you break you leg it will swell around the break not so noticeable after a sting but same thing
Reply:Swelling is an accumulation of fluid known as edema. It is a characteristic of inflammation, which is, as you say, the body's response to injury.
Reply:from what i have been told in the past you are right about it being an immune response from the body it is to protect the wound from getting any further infection so that the body can fight of an infection it may already of received from when the wound was first made. Hope this helps a little
Why do we swell when we have get an injury, skin infection or a bite?
when ever a foreign substance enters the body, the response is to 'send' an increased blood supply to the affected area, this carries with it the bodies natural defences, white blood cells, antihistamines and the natural 'bug' fighting chemicals that are part of the bodies immune system. the swelling is a protective response in that if you have pain it automatically reminds you that you ahve an injury and to look after the affected part.
Problems arise when the bodies natural defences are over whelmed by infection.
Reply:You are right it is the bodies way of protecting the injured area. It surrounds it with fluid.
Reply:The swelling is because the body is rushing fluid to that place to help with reparing the wound. It is usually a protective liquid or lump that protects the injury and stops it from getting bumped more.
It's all the bodies doing.
Reply:it stops you moving the injured part if you break you leg it will swell around the break not so noticeable after a sting but same thing
Reply:Swelling is an accumulation of fluid known as edema. It is a characteristic of inflammation, which is, as you say, the body's response to injury.
Reply:from what i have been told in the past you are right about it being an immune response from the body it is to protect the wound from getting any further infection so that the body can fight of an infection it may already of received from when the wound was first made. Hope this helps a little
What will be the best cure for chronic fungal skin infection? Iv been suffering for more than 5 yrs.Pls HELP!?
I already tried all the medicines prescribed by many specialist doctors I consulted (including antifungal creams, capsules, tablets, soap, liquid wash, etc., but no effect at all. been tired of taking supplements such: anti-oxidant, immune boosters, cleansing agents, so on.. as my alternative since aside from these were too expensive, they never helpd wih my illness.
What will be the best cure for chronic fungal skin infection? Iv been suffering for more than 5 yrs.Pls HELP!?
Have you tried a completely sugar-free diet? Cutting way back on carbs will help alot, too, but no sugar is a must because fungus feeds on sugar. A good fast would most likely clear it up quickly. Try some searches on the following link...
What will be the best cure for chronic fungal skin infection? Iv been suffering for more than 5 yrs.Pls HELP!?
Have you tried a completely sugar-free diet? Cutting way back on carbs will help alot, too, but no sugar is a must because fungus feeds on sugar. A good fast would most likely clear it up quickly. Try some searches on the following link...
I think my little puppy has allergies or a skin infection. Help?
OK she has little scabs on her exspecially around her tummy, they have not taken over her body or I would have taken her to a vet. She is scratching alot and I was going to take her the vet and she seemed to stop scratching as much. Is this an allergy? I got her special shampoo and I have bathed her in it, I just dont want to over bathe her. She is a 5 month old shih-tzu/chihuahua mix. Thanks
I think my little puppy has allergies or a skin infection. Help?
she is a puppy and the stuff you are using on her may be to strong you really need to take her to the vets and get treatment that can help her
Reply:make sure she has a bath and that you have given her the flea and tick meds you are supposed to every month,
my Jack Russell has that problem but it on and near his back...we make sure this time of year he get Benadryl every night before bedtime. the vet reccommended it, and it works.
Reply:My puppy might have had the same problem. Check and see if she has peed in her cage. My dog sometimes would pee and we wouldn't notice and he'd wind up lying in it and that would cause an allergic reaction. Now he just lays on the plastic sheet that the cage has, no blanket. His stomach is fine now.
Reply:U should probably take the little pooch to the vet to get properly cared for, but don't tell Ellen!
Reply:I would take her to the never know what kind of things she could have gotten into when you weren't looking....If the vet cant visually identify what it is then they will be able to do some tests to determine what it is....and it is better to have a professional opinion than just some random answers....
Reply:Could be an allergy. I have a dog that is allergic to fleas. So, when he gets a flea, he starts sneezing, turns red on the tummy, etc. Fleas also leave little scabs, and if your dog is allergic to them, those scabs can get mighty big. Anyway, you might take them to the vet anyway and see. You don't always see fleas...they spend a lot of time off the dog, amazingly enough.
Reply:maybe it is something u r feeding him maybe buy a difrent brand of food if that doesn't work maybe u should take him to the vet
Reply:is she on flea stuff? advantage is the best which you can get at any pet store..or sometimes if they are too low to the ground there belly rubs on the grass.
Reply:go to a vet and get it diagnosed... it's ridiculous and cruel to wait until it's over her entire body... there are too many conditions it could be to keep trying treatments without a diagnosis... less expensive for one trip to the vet's office than to keep buying products that won't work...
Reply:pet smart has "pet skin conditioning spray" my dogs skin turns really pink for some reason so we just spray her with that..
Reply:Does she have fleas? Keep checking her for this. You could also try changing her food to something like California Natural that is good if its a food allergy. If she keeps it up, you will really need to take her to the vet.
Reply:She is really cute! My dog had that problem too! It is a disease that dogs can get, but with the right help from your doctor and a special dog shampoo (my dog had to get a perscription shampoo from the vet) it will probably slowly fade away! I would suggest seeing a vet though!
i hope i helped! Have a nice day! : - )
Reply:Don't give your dog benadryl or any other medication unless it is vet recommended. I saw someone recommend benadryl, which will probably help, but don't give your dog anything until the vet has given you a proper dosage. Just had some issues with my dog breaking into a bottle of Aleve and getting an ulcer. Have to be very careful w/ medications especially with small dogs!
Reply:My dog use to have the same problem. We were told her skin was too dry and to give her Linatone. It helped the scratching around her body, BUT when we took her to the vet it turns out she had a bad ear infection...and it explains why she'd started scratching around her neck area.
If your pup has scabs around her tummy she's either allergic to something OR not getting enough of the nutrients/oils that she needs. What food are you feeding her? It might be that. I'd recommend switching to Natural Choice or some other premium food. The Linatone and change in food will help condition your pups skin so that there's not as much scratching.
Good luck!
Reply:It's a shih-tzu thing. Mine (who lives with mom now) has the same problem. The vet will prescribe something for you, or for my golden years ago, who had dry skin - he suggested putting a little bit of bacon fat in his food every now and then... that helped a lot too. But I'm not sure how sensitive your puppies tummy is so, proceed with caution if you try that - don't worry too much though..
I think my little puppy has allergies or a skin infection. Help?
she is a puppy and the stuff you are using on her may be to strong you really need to take her to the vets and get treatment that can help her
Reply:make sure she has a bath and that you have given her the flea and tick meds you are supposed to every month,
my Jack Russell has that problem but it on and near his back...we make sure this time of year he get Benadryl every night before bedtime. the vet reccommended it, and it works.
Reply:My puppy might have had the same problem. Check and see if she has peed in her cage. My dog sometimes would pee and we wouldn't notice and he'd wind up lying in it and that would cause an allergic reaction. Now he just lays on the plastic sheet that the cage has, no blanket. His stomach is fine now.
Reply:U should probably take the little pooch to the vet to get properly cared for, but don't tell Ellen!
Reply:I would take her to the never know what kind of things she could have gotten into when you weren't looking....If the vet cant visually identify what it is then they will be able to do some tests to determine what it is....and it is better to have a professional opinion than just some random answers....
Reply:Could be an allergy. I have a dog that is allergic to fleas. So, when he gets a flea, he starts sneezing, turns red on the tummy, etc. Fleas also leave little scabs, and if your dog is allergic to them, those scabs can get mighty big. Anyway, you might take them to the vet anyway and see. You don't always see fleas...they spend a lot of time off the dog, amazingly enough.
Reply:maybe it is something u r feeding him maybe buy a difrent brand of food if that doesn't work maybe u should take him to the vet
Reply:is she on flea stuff? advantage is the best which you can get at any pet store..or sometimes if they are too low to the ground there belly rubs on the grass.
Reply:go to a vet and get it diagnosed... it's ridiculous and cruel to wait until it's over her entire body... there are too many conditions it could be to keep trying treatments without a diagnosis... less expensive for one trip to the vet's office than to keep buying products that won't work...
Reply:pet smart has "pet skin conditioning spray" my dogs skin turns really pink for some reason so we just spray her with that..
Reply:Does she have fleas? Keep checking her for this. You could also try changing her food to something like California Natural that is good if its a food allergy. If she keeps it up, you will really need to take her to the vet.
Reply:She is really cute! My dog had that problem too! It is a disease that dogs can get, but with the right help from your doctor and a special dog shampoo (my dog had to get a perscription shampoo from the vet) it will probably slowly fade away! I would suggest seeing a vet though!
i hope i helped! Have a nice day! : - )
Reply:Don't give your dog benadryl or any other medication unless it is vet recommended. I saw someone recommend benadryl, which will probably help, but don't give your dog anything until the vet has given you a proper dosage. Just had some issues with my dog breaking into a bottle of Aleve and getting an ulcer. Have to be very careful w/ medications especially with small dogs!
Reply:My dog use to have the same problem. We were told her skin was too dry and to give her Linatone. It helped the scratching around her body, BUT when we took her to the vet it turns out she had a bad ear infection...and it explains why she'd started scratching around her neck area.
If your pup has scabs around her tummy she's either allergic to something OR not getting enough of the nutrients/oils that she needs. What food are you feeding her? It might be that. I'd recommend switching to Natural Choice or some other premium food. The Linatone and change in food will help condition your pups skin so that there's not as much scratching.
Good luck!
Reply:It's a shih-tzu thing. Mine (who lives with mom now) has the same problem. The vet will prescribe something for you, or for my golden years ago, who had dry skin - he suggested putting a little bit of bacon fat in his food every now and then... that helped a lot too. But I'm not sure how sensitive your puppies tummy is so, proceed with caution if you try that - don't worry too much though..
Is there any herbal or home remedy for local skin infection???
Aloe Vera is good for most skin and minor wound problems, it's a natural anti-biotic. Just get a plant of Aloe-vera, break a leaf off slice it open and rub the goo inside the leave onto the infected area. Cover with guase and let it sit for an hour, then remove gause and wash the remaining goo off. Continue every 12-24 hrs. or untill the infection subsides
Is there any herbal or home remedy for local skin infection???
tea tree oil (also called melaleuca oil) found at your local health food store
Reply:coconut oil may be very effective
Reply:Burt's bees res q ointment its great!!! smells good too. all natural and you could technically eat it too.
Reply:This is something that I found out reading Dr. Christopher's book (School of Natural Healing) If the infection is oozing-go outside and pick you some fresh plantain leaves, smush them up and put it directly on the infected area and cover with a band-aid (change and apply more when dried). The plantain acts as a "drawer" and will pull the infection out. When it starts to heal pick you some fresh comfrey leaves and put on the area and cover with a band-aid (change the dressing as needed). The comfrey regenerates your skin cells.
Reply:Nothing works better for infections than neem juice. apply it, drink it - it works wonders. It works on infections other than acne too. Basil is a close second. Make a paste of some leaves and apply it on the infection for cooling and antiseptic effect. In my country, when someone gets chickenpox or measles, neem and basil leaves are used to combat it along with other medicine - they can be added to bath water, ground and applied on skin and their juice helps flush out toxins and heat.
Reply:If this is serious infection then u should consider antibiotics.
For minor cuts and injuries i personally use garlic oil (however it stinks!!!! )
Reply:Fresh ALOE VERA from your garden (if u have any) or someone elses garden, use the gel inside (thats the home remedy) as for herbal, tea tree oil, from your health food shop or supermarket, use it straight just dab it on with cottonballs, may sting a little.
purple heart
Is there any herbal or home remedy for local skin infection???
tea tree oil (also called melaleuca oil) found at your local health food store
Reply:coconut oil may be very effective
Reply:Burt's bees res q ointment its great!!! smells good too. all natural and you could technically eat it too.
Reply:This is something that I found out reading Dr. Christopher's book (School of Natural Healing) If the infection is oozing-go outside and pick you some fresh plantain leaves, smush them up and put it directly on the infected area and cover with a band-aid (change and apply more when dried). The plantain acts as a "drawer" and will pull the infection out. When it starts to heal pick you some fresh comfrey leaves and put on the area and cover with a band-aid (change the dressing as needed). The comfrey regenerates your skin cells.
Reply:Nothing works better for infections than neem juice. apply it, drink it - it works wonders. It works on infections other than acne too. Basil is a close second. Make a paste of some leaves and apply it on the infection for cooling and antiseptic effect. In my country, when someone gets chickenpox or measles, neem and basil leaves are used to combat it along with other medicine - they can be added to bath water, ground and applied on skin and their juice helps flush out toxins and heat.
Reply:If this is serious infection then u should consider antibiotics.
For minor cuts and injuries i personally use garlic oil (however it stinks!!!! )
Reply:Fresh ALOE VERA from your garden (if u have any) or someone elses garden, use the gel inside (thats the home remedy) as for herbal, tea tree oil, from your health food shop or supermarket, use it straight just dab it on with cottonballs, may sting a little.
purple heart
Can you give me a cream name for the skin infection "barbers itch"?
Can you give me a cream name for the skin infection "barbers itch"?
To prevent further damage to the hair follicles and infection:
*Minimize friction from clothing.
*Avoid shaving the area if possible. If shaving is necessary, use a clean new razor blade or an electric razor each time.
*Keep the area clean.
Avoid reinfection from contaminated clothing and washcloths. Hot moist compresses may promote drainage of extensive folliculitis. Topical antibiotics (Bactroban), oral antibiotics (e.g., dicloxacillin), or antifungal medications may be needed to control the infection.
It all depends if yours is a bacterial or fungal infection. It is better to try topical antibiotics. Consult a dermatologist for better results.
Good luck.
Reply:Griseofulvin is actually recommended and testified to work. This is a prescription that is usually for other skin infections like athletes foot, but works for barbers itch too. Here's a website more on barbers itch and the cream too. Hope it helps! good luck!
Reply:Barber's itch, or Folliculitis barbae as it is medically known, is an infectious *skin disease of the bearded facial areas. Painful pimples develop at the hair follicles, either superficially or in deeper skin layers. In more severe cases, larger knots form and leave scars, and the hair is easily removed.
The cause is either a bacterial or *fungal infection. The bacteria, usually staphylococci, most commonly affect the mustache hair, while the fungus usually affects the bearded hair on the cheeks and chin, and causes a more pronounced inflammation. The fungal infection is particularly contagious through and is passed by sharing towels and razors, while the bacterial infection is most common in people with a chronic runny nose. Multiple ingrown hairs are often confused with barber's itch.
One to three days of juice fasting will help initiate the healing process by flushing harmful bacteria from the body. Follow the fast with raw vegetables and fruits for two to four weeks, or until visible improvement has started, then change to low-salt, vegetarian meals containing raw and cooked vegetables and fruits for another four to eight weeks.
Nutritional Supplements...Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid found in evening primrose oil, is helpful in alleviating a number of skin problems, since it is a vital nutrient. Other important nutrients for the skin are vitamins A, B complex and E.
For any fungal infection, take a supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and other similar friendly bacteria, to fend off candida in the bowel and elsewhere in the body.
Daily Dosages:
* Evening primrose oil, two 500 mg capsules three times daily
* Vitamin E, with mixed tocopherols, 400 IU one to two times daily
* Lactobacillus acidophilus combination, 1 tsp. between meals
* Vitamin A, 25,000 IU (avoid during pregnancy)
* Vitamin B complex, 50 mg one to two times daily
Herbal Remedies. Internal and external applications of herbs will remedy the cause of the problem and relieve symptoms, to produce lasting results.
* Soothe aftershave *rash by splashing on witch hazel liquid after shaving.
* Wash the face and beard every two hours with an infusion of horsetail to promote tissue rebuilding.
* To help restore moisture and promote healing, apply calendula ointment and aloe cream daily. Aloe vera gel can be used as a shaving cream on a daily basis and applied to the face before bedtime.
* Support the external applications with an internal cleansing therapy. Combine 3 parts lemon balm, 2 parts stinging nettle, 2 parts camomile, 2 parts peppermint, 4 parts juniper berries, 3 parts echinacea and 1 part thyme. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tsp. of this herbal mix; steep covered for twelve to fifteen minutes and strain. Drink 3 cups daily for three weeks.
* If the barber’s itch is caused by an allergic *eczema, bathe with camomile, chickweed, horsetail and goldenseal. Dissolve 1 tbsp. of powdered herbs in warm water. After bathing, dry well and then apply ointment of chickweed or olive oil.
* Drink aloe vera juice on a regular basis to prevent skin infections.
* Garlic also combats fungal infections in the body and is available in capsule form.
An experienced homeopath can produce a more thorough treatment to bring about lasting results for chronic problems.
Tissue Salts...Take 4 tablets three times daily under the tongue.
* Silicea restores activity to the skin and aids in the cleansing process. It is the basic nutrient of the skin and hair.
* Nat sulph helps to remove waste from the cells.
* Nat mur provides needed moisture.
External/Physical Therapies
* Rub affected areas with honey or evening primrose oil.
* Apply therapeutic clay poultices for soothing and healing the skin.
Available Brand Name Products: Nutritional Supplements
* Vita Plex Acidophilus (Klaire Laboratories)
* Ultra Prim Evening Primrose Oil (Natural Factors)
Available Brand Name Products: Herbal Remedies
* Horsetail Leaves (Flora)
* Echinacea Tincture (Natural Factors)
* Chamomile Flowers (Nature's Herbs)
* Echinacea-Power (Nature's Herbs)
Available Brand Name Products: External Therapies
* Bentonite Clay, Hydrated (Inno-Vite)
* Lavender Oil (Karooch Essential Oils)
* Sandalwood Oil (Karooch Essential Oils)
Can you give me a cream name for the skin infection "barbers itch"?
To prevent further damage to the hair follicles and infection:
*Minimize friction from clothing.
*Avoid shaving the area if possible. If shaving is necessary, use a clean new razor blade or an electric razor each time.
*Keep the area clean.
Avoid reinfection from contaminated clothing and washcloths. Hot moist compresses may promote drainage of extensive folliculitis. Topical antibiotics (Bactroban), oral antibiotics (e.g., dicloxacillin), or antifungal medications may be needed to control the infection.
It all depends if yours is a bacterial or fungal infection. It is better to try topical antibiotics. Consult a dermatologist for better results.
Good luck.
Reply:Griseofulvin is actually recommended and testified to work. This is a prescription that is usually for other skin infections like athletes foot, but works for barbers itch too. Here's a website more on barbers itch and the cream too. Hope it helps! good luck!
Reply:Barber's itch, or Folliculitis barbae as it is medically known, is an infectious *skin disease of the bearded facial areas. Painful pimples develop at the hair follicles, either superficially or in deeper skin layers. In more severe cases, larger knots form and leave scars, and the hair is easily removed.
The cause is either a bacterial or *fungal infection. The bacteria, usually staphylococci, most commonly affect the mustache hair, while the fungus usually affects the bearded hair on the cheeks and chin, and causes a more pronounced inflammation. The fungal infection is particularly contagious through and is passed by sharing towels and razors, while the bacterial infection is most common in people with a chronic runny nose. Multiple ingrown hairs are often confused with barber's itch.
One to three days of juice fasting will help initiate the healing process by flushing harmful bacteria from the body. Follow the fast with raw vegetables and fruits for two to four weeks, or until visible improvement has started, then change to low-salt, vegetarian meals containing raw and cooked vegetables and fruits for another four to eight weeks.
Nutritional Supplements...Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid found in evening primrose oil, is helpful in alleviating a number of skin problems, since it is a vital nutrient. Other important nutrients for the skin are vitamins A, B complex and E.
For any fungal infection, take a supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and other similar friendly bacteria, to fend off candida in the bowel and elsewhere in the body.
Daily Dosages:
* Evening primrose oil, two 500 mg capsules three times daily
* Vitamin E, with mixed tocopherols, 400 IU one to two times daily
* Lactobacillus acidophilus combination, 1 tsp. between meals
* Vitamin A, 25,000 IU (avoid during pregnancy)
* Vitamin B complex, 50 mg one to two times daily
Herbal Remedies. Internal and external applications of herbs will remedy the cause of the problem and relieve symptoms, to produce lasting results.
* Soothe aftershave *rash by splashing on witch hazel liquid after shaving.
* Wash the face and beard every two hours with an infusion of horsetail to promote tissue rebuilding.
* To help restore moisture and promote healing, apply calendula ointment and aloe cream daily. Aloe vera gel can be used as a shaving cream on a daily basis and applied to the face before bedtime.
* Support the external applications with an internal cleansing therapy. Combine 3 parts lemon balm, 2 parts stinging nettle, 2 parts camomile, 2 parts peppermint, 4 parts juniper berries, 3 parts echinacea and 1 part thyme. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tsp. of this herbal mix; steep covered for twelve to fifteen minutes and strain. Drink 3 cups daily for three weeks.
* If the barber’s itch is caused by an allergic *eczema, bathe with camomile, chickweed, horsetail and goldenseal. Dissolve 1 tbsp. of powdered herbs in warm water. After bathing, dry well and then apply ointment of chickweed or olive oil.
* Drink aloe vera juice on a regular basis to prevent skin infections.
* Garlic also combats fungal infections in the body and is available in capsule form.
An experienced homeopath can produce a more thorough treatment to bring about lasting results for chronic problems.
Tissue Salts...Take 4 tablets three times daily under the tongue.
* Silicea restores activity to the skin and aids in the cleansing process. It is the basic nutrient of the skin and hair.
* Nat sulph helps to remove waste from the cells.
* Nat mur provides needed moisture.
External/Physical Therapies
* Rub affected areas with honey or evening primrose oil.
* Apply therapeutic clay poultices for soothing and healing the skin.
Available Brand Name Products: Nutritional Supplements
* Vita Plex Acidophilus (Klaire Laboratories)
* Ultra Prim Evening Primrose Oil (Natural Factors)
Available Brand Name Products: Herbal Remedies
* Horsetail Leaves (Flora)
* Echinacea Tincture (Natural Factors)
* Chamomile Flowers (Nature's Herbs)
* Echinacea-Power (Nature's Herbs)
Available Brand Name Products: External Therapies
* Bentonite Clay, Hydrated (Inno-Vite)
* Lavender Oil (Karooch Essential Oils)
* Sandalwood Oil (Karooch Essential Oils)
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